Via the AP: Bush to Nominate Alito to Supreme Court
President Bush, stung by the rejection of his first choice, will nominate Samuel Alito to the Supreme Court, selecting a conservative federal judge to replace retiring Justice Sandra Day O’Connor, a moderate.[...]
Bush planned to announce the nomination at 8 a.m. EST.
So much for the notion that the floating of Alito’s name was a bait-and-switch.
And, as a side note, while O’Connor was often a swing vote, I am not sure that she is a “moderate”, per se.
So, how many times do you think we will hear “Scalito” in the next 24 hours? Does Vegas have an over/under yet?
For sure: Alitot is qualified for the position, unlike some nominees of recent vintage.
OTB has more.
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One Response to “It’s Alito”
el pt
October 31st, 2025 at 7:21 am
Samuel Alito Nominated for Supreme Court
President George W. Bush will nominate Samuel Alito for Supreme Court at 8:00 am ET today, 10/31/2005.