Saturday, May 31, 2025
By Steven Taylor

NZ Bear poststhe following e-mail from Cowboy Khalid which posits that there is a problem in the blogosphere, to wit: Leftish blogs, and especially female-written blogs aren’t getting sufficient attention. I was especially struck when he noted, in the comments section, an “institutional bias” against women/left-leaning blogs. The only problem here is: there is no institution that governs blogdom–it is about as free-wheeling as you can get. One sets up a blog, one writes, one tries to get noticed. Some grow, some don’t.

Normally when I click a link to a blog I have never visited before I have no idea if a) it is a male’s or female’s blog, b) the ideology of the writer, or c) if the blog is any good or not. The thing that will bring me back is “c” (and certainly only “c” matters if I am going to link to them).

Now, do some bloggers have advantages? Yes: the key one is being an early start. However, that isn’t an institutional bias. A second advantage is being mentioned by a major (or at least mid-level) blogger. Of course, that requires saying sometihng worthwhile. I have never seen anyone say “hey, read this guy’s/gal’s blog, it is really boring!”

The irony here is that Cowboy Khalid has demonstrated the best way to get noticed in the blogosphere, regardless of gender or ideological predilections: write something that people want to talk about, and then (and this is key) find a way for at least a medium-sized blogger to post it and link to it.

I wonder how far up the TTLB Ecosystem Khalid will climb as a result of all of this? :)

Also, kudo to NZ Bear, for his previous effort to update the Ecosystem with left-leaning blogs.

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10 Responses to “Blogging Bias?”

  • el
  • pt
    1. Matthew Says:

      I can’t say why women bloggers don’t get more attention. Maybe blogging is a testosterone-charged competition (heh)! That said, most of the blogosphere is libertarian-right, and we do have a clear bias against left-leaning blogs. Part of the way the blogosphere works is that we link to people who tend to agree with, along with a select few “opponents” we deem worthy. In practice, it means that right-wing memes (and blogs) will dominate because they’re given a primary channel.

    2. Kathy K Says:

      ” with a select few “opponents” we deem worthy”
      I think that’s got it. I haven’t seen that many ‘lefty’ (as opposed to liberal/libertarian) female blogs whose take on things wasn’t “Oh, I just went home and cried…”.
      I don’t really want to link to people who are going to go home and cry if I disagree with them.

    3. bryan Says:

      actually, you could just link to TTLB and keep Cowboy Khalid wallowing in obscurity. I was just thinking about counting my blogroll, and I seem to read an inordinate amount of female blogs, so I guess I miss out on most of the bias. Whatever.

      That new color is really … bright! It makes me feel like I’m in Austin (Hook ‘em Horns) ;-)

    4. Tiger Says:

      Regrettably I did provide a link to Cowboy Khalid, but only as an example of the type of blog that would never make my blogroll: a zealot who was backed so far into his political corner that everything he said was suspect. Thankfully, it will fall off when that post hits the archives.

    5. Steven Says:

      I really haven’t paid that much attention to the male:female ratio, although my sense is that there are more males.

      And clearly there are more right-leaning types, although that impression may be a result of simply personal self-selection in my own blog-hopping!

    6. Steven Says:

      And indeed on Cowboy Khalid–I just figured that I would be sportsmanlike :)

    7. PoliBlogger Says:

      Good point–and I didn’t mean to suggest that being early automatically equals success. Simply that there is an adavantage to being early in this game, especially if one can be the first (or amongst the first) to carve out a specific niche.

    8. lyrics Says:



      Hey, read this guy’s blog, it is really boring. And this guy is trying to climb the TTLB Ecosystem by turning his site orange. Fortunately…

    10. Tiger: Raggin' & Rantin' Says:

      Blogoshere evolution
      No, I didn’t create this post to tell how I finally moved far enough up the evolutionary ladder to finally have legs. I am glad to be a Gecko (as I decline to be a Newt). Actually, I want to…

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