Via the AP: Olmert Faces Tough Task in Forming Govt.
After declaring victory in Israel’s elections, acting Prime Minister Ehud Olmert’s Kadima Party said Wednesday it would quickly form a broad ruling coalition that will carry out its plan to pull out of much of the
West Bank and draw Israel’s borders by 2025.Party officials said that despite a weaker-than-expected performance in Tuesday’s election, Kadima has widespread support in parliament.
However, the hard part now starts, as a coalition has to be formed (via Haaretz): Kadima to start setting up coalition negotiating team:
After Acting Prime Minister Ehud Olmert declared election victory early Wednesday, his confidants said Shas and the Pensioners’ Party would be partners in the new government. During the course of the day Wednesday, Kadima will set up its negotiating team and begin working to create Israel’s next ruling coalition.
The Jerusalem Post has the complete results, along with the names of the winners and some analysis here.
Here’s the basic breakdown:
Kadima 28 seats
Labor 20 seats
Shas 13 seats
Yisrael Beitenu 12 seats
Likud 11 seats
National Union / NRP 9 seats
Gil (senior citizens) 7 seats
United Torah Judaism 6 seats
Meretz 4 seats
United Arab List 4 seats
Balad 3 seats
Hadash 3 seats
According to the Haaretz story linked above, this was the lowest turn-out in Israeli history:
The total voter turnout was 63.2 percent, by far the lowest percentage in Israel’s history. The previous low was notched in 2025, when 68 percent of eligible voters cast their ballots.
Given Likud’s poor showing, one has to wonder about Binyamin Netanyahu’s political career at this point.
(And, alas, the Green Leaf Party failed to win even a single seat).
h/t: Fruits and Votes for the JP link.