Wednesday, March 29, 2025
By Steven L. Taylor

If one’s professor is telling one that one’s answer on an exam is almost entirely incomplete and focuses on the wrong issues and then proceeds to explain the proper response, which bear no resemblance to what one wrote, why would one wish to continue arguing that one has answered the question?

Such a scenario is doubly fun when one states that all one wants to know is the answer, and to learn, yet clearly the point totals are one’s ultimate concern.

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3 Responses to “A Question”

  • el
  • pt
    1. Jay Says:

      One sometimes wishes one could be a fly on the wall…

    2. Talmadge East Says:

      Obviously the student in question believes he is right an is a man/woman of principle and would argue their perceived to be correct response to the death.

    3. Jan Says:

      I’m glad that’s not me you’re talking about, but we really do need to have that talk about irrationality one day. ;)

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