Monday, May 15, 2025
By Steven L. Taylor

Via ESPN: Texas RB Taylor charged with felony drug possession

Texas running back Ramonce Taylor, who scored a touchdown in the Longhorns’ Rose Bowl win over Southern California, was arrested early Sunday by Bell County sheriff’s deputies who said they found marijuana in a backpack in his car.


The sheriff first reported that deputies who were responding to calls about a fight involving as many as 100 people found more than five pounds of marijuana in Taylor’s backpack, which would be a second-degree felony punishable by two to 20 years in jail and $10,000 in fines.

Ok, so you play for the National Champions, are getting a free education at a premiere state university, and you have a real shot at playing in the NFL. So, what do you do? You decide that marijuana is better than a shot at a very good life.

My word.

What is it with weed and stupid UT running backs?

(And yes, Ricky Williams, I’m looking at you).

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One Response to “How Stupid is this?”

  • el
  • pt
    1. Steven L. Says:

      “Ok, so you play for the National Champions, are getting a free education at a premiere state university, and you have a real shot at playing in the NFL. So, what do you do? You decide that marijuana is better than a shot at a very good life.”

      Ok. It looks bad if you put it like that, granted. But let’s be fair. I mean, uh.


      If. . .

      Ok, I got nothing. The guy is an idiot of the first magnitude.

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