Monday, July 18, 2025
By Steven L. Taylor

This is a place to store PoliBlog-specific terminology.

Permanent Guest BloggerTM (also: TPGBTM or PGBTM) – That would be Steven L., Texas attorney, best man at my wedding and, as the title suggests, the permanent guest blogger here at PoliBlog. As such, not a “guest” per se, but such is life.

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4 Responses to “The PoliBlog Lexicon”

  • el
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    1. PoliBlog: A Rough Draft of my Thoughts » Heading West Says:

      [...] e Son in tow. As such, light blogging over the next five days. However, I have asked the Permanent Guest Blogger to help out as time permits.

      Filed under: General [...]

    2. PoliBlog: A Rough Draft of my Thoughts » Sweet Sixteen Says:

      [...] groomsmen blog: two of my ushers have their own blogs (here and here) and my Best Man is the TPGB. I think my other usher (a.k.a., my brother-in-law) occasionally reads the blog, so I guess a [...]

    3. PoliBlog: A Rough Draft of my Thoughts » Back in the Saddle Says:

      [...] the Orlando area, we are back home and I am back to full-strength blogging. My thanks to Steven L., Bryan S., Matthew Shugart, Brett Marston, and Chris Lawrence (who also blogs at OTB). I very [...]

    4. PoliBlog: A Rough Draft of my Thoughts » In Memoriam: Ann Richards Says:

      [...] Richards was Governor of Texas during a large chunk of my graduate school career, so I very much remember her time in office. Indeed, the 1990 election was first chance to vote in the state of Texas. It was an ugly campaign. I recall Steven L. quipping at the time that he thanked God for the Louisiana governor’s race two years later, as it was the only thing that made the Texas race look better (that was the year the Louisianans had to choose between David Duke, for Grand Dragon of the KKK and Edwin Edwards, who had serious corruption allegations dogging him, i.e., voters had to choose between the crook and the Klan). [...]

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