The PoliBlog Collective

October 18, 2025
Lunchtime Funnies: Zeroes
By Steven L. Taylor
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Wolverine Gets a Release Date
By Steven L. Taylor

Via the SciFi Wire: Wolverine Gets ‘09 Release

Twentieth Century Fox has clawed out a May 1, 2025, date for the release of X-Men Origins: Wolverine, a spinoff movie starring Hugh Jackman, which director Gavin Hood begins shooting later this year, Variety reported.


Wolverine will explore Wolverine’s violent and romantic past his complex relationship with Victor Creed and the ominous Weapon X program, as well as his encounters with other mutants.

Hmm, I wonder if we will see a version of Alpha Flight?

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Trek Casting News: Kirk and McCoy
By Steven L. Taylor

Via Reuters: Bones, Kirk enlist for “Star Trek” movie.

More at The Trek Movie Report:
Urban Signed For McCoy.

Karl Urban played Eomer in the Lord of the Rings.

Also: Chris Pine IS Kirkā€¦Deal Signed Today.

I am unfamiliar with Pine’s work.

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News on Star Wars TV
By Steven L. Taylor

‘Star Wars’ coming to TV? - 10/18/2007 -

Lucas told The Los Angeles Times he has ‘’just begun work'’ on the series, which will not include the films’ major characters Luke Skywalker or Darth Vader.

‘’The Skywalkers aren’t in it, and it’s about minor characters,'’ Lucas told the Times on Tuesday.

Lucas wouldn’t reveal details, but joked that the series would be about “the life of robots.'’

Sadly, I am not so sure that that is a joke. I could easily see him taking the potentially interesting Star Wars universe and turn it into a show about those wacky robots.

The interest in this project will, no doubt, be high. However, I have serious doubts about the ability of Lucas to pull it off. He has a hard time telling a good, compelling story and a weekly version of the dreck that was episodes I-III (and, really, VI) hardly sounds like fun. Of course, my 6, 7 and 10 year-olds will eat it up, no doubt.

The only way the show could be interesting would be if it focused on the collapse the Republic into the Empire and the building of the Rebel Alliance. However, that would require an interesting and coherent political narrative, something utterly missing in I-III. And if the show ignores Vader, that would imply, one would think, little focus on the upper-level of the Empire’s apparatus.

So, no Jedi (being that they are all dead save for a few), and no Vader, but don’t worry: robots!!


Really, a post-Return of the Jedi show would be far, far more interesting. It is unclear that there are any really interesting stories to tell in the gap between III and IV.

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October 12, 2025
Captain America to Return
By Steven L. Taylor

Gee, and I thought he was dead. It was as if they planned this all along…

Some drawing of the new Cap can be found here: Captain America Reborn.

I’m sorry, but Captain American with a gun? What, he’s the Punisher now? It just doesn’t track. Granted, it makes more sense to go into a fight with a shield and a gun, but that’s just not Cap. What next? Batman with an AK-47?

Christmas at the Whos
By Steven L. Taylor

The impersonations are uneven, but I loved “youknow all his aliens were made out of tinfoil…” and “ooo, I’m a Kroton, I’m a Kroton!”:

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The Doctor and the Cyber Family
By Steven L. Taylor

Amusing (if anything, the dude does a pretty good Tom Baker):

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Dresden Returns! (Well, Sorta)
By Steven L. Taylor

Via Reuters: Brooke Shields gets new husband for TV show

Paul Blackthorne, who most recently starred on Sci Fi Channel’s “The Dresden Files,” will play Brooke Shields’ husband on NBC’s midseason series “Lipstick Jungle.”

All told, not really all that exciting…

I still think it is a shame that SciFi didn’t give the Dresden Files another season, even if the TV show wasn’t nearly as good as the books.

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More Trek Casting news
By Steven L. Taylor

Via Reuters we learn who the new Sulu and Scotty will be:Cho and Pegg board “Star Trek” feature:

Korean-born actor John Cho of “Harold & Kumar” fame has been cast as Sulu in the new “Star Trek” feature, playing a role immortalized by Japanese-American actor George Takei.

Additionally, Briton Simon Pegg (”Shaun of the Dead”) has boarded the Paramount project as Scotty, the ship’s Scottish chief engineer.

Still on tap are Kirk and

The lead roles remaining to be cast are Christopher Pike, the first captain of the Enterprise, and Kirk’s parents.

The word is that Chris Pine, of whom I know nothing, is in talks to play Kirk.

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October 11, 2025
New Trek Faces
By Steven L. Taylor

The LAT has a slide show.

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