In Memoriam: Marshall Rogers
By Steven L. Taylor
Batman Artist Rogers Is Dead:
Marshall Rogers, the artist who was best known for his work on DC Comics’ Batman and Marvel Comics’ Silver Surfer, died on March 25 at the age of 57, Newsarama reported. The cause of death has not been disclosed to the media, according to a DC spokesman.
Rogers’ Batman was fantastic, I must say.
But more to the point, 57 is far too young to die.
Ron Moore Interview
By Steven L. Taylor
ThePost-Gazette Journal has and interesting interview with Ron Moore, which includes this interesting confirmation:
R: Are these four all full Cylons?
RM: Yes, but they are different fundamentally.
R: Will we meet the final fifth Cylon next season?
RM: I think so.
I thought perhaps that would be a mystery until next season, i.e., are they really Cylons…tune in to find out!
And surely, unless the Maelstrom was some sort of gateway, doesn’t Starbuck have to be the final Cylon? One gets the impression that she died earlier in the season and since only Cylons resurrect…
Of course, she did have her Viper in that final scene.
Also: I wonder if the Basestars in the final scene are populated with the Cylons we know or with Final Five models.
Core Potter Cast to Remain Intact for Remainder of Film Run
By Steven L. Taylor
Via the AP: Cast to reprise `Potter’ roles - Yahoo! News
Actors Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert Grint and Emma Watson will return as teen wizards Harry Potter, Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger in the final “Harry Potter” films, Warner Bros. Pictures announced Friday.
The young stars will reprise their roles in “Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince” and “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows” — the last two films in the franchise based on J.K. Rowling’s best-selling novels, said Jeff Robinov, the studio’s president of production.
Good deal.
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Tennant Signs for Third Year as the Doctor
By Steven L. Taylor
Via the SyFy Portal: Report: David Tennant Returns For ‘Who’ Fourth Season
Britain’s Mirror newspaper is reporting that David Tennant has signed a deal with £1 million, or $1.96 million to remain with “Doctor Who” for a fourth season in a starring role. That equates to £76,923 or $150,907 per episode — a pretty serious figure for actors on British television.
Good deal.
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By Steven L. Taylor
Via TrekToday: Finnish Politician Campaigns In Klingon
A Finnish Green Party candidate has made his web site available for readers of Klingon, despite translation difficulties because he was unable to find a Klingon word for “green.”
MP Jyrki Kasvi, who describes himself as a passionate Star Trek fan, told Reuters that a Klingon version of his web site is part of his re-election campaign (via Yahoo). “Some have thought it is blasphemy to mix politics and Klingon,” he said, but “Others say it is good if politicians can laugh at themselves.”
The 43-year-old Kasvi represents the Greens from the constituency Uusimaa. A research scientist with a Ph.D. in engineering from the Helsinki University of Technology, Kasvi was elected to the Finnish Parliament in 2025.
What more could you ask for?
For those dying to practice their Klingon, the site is here.
[Cross-posted at PoliBlog]
Heroes Sued over the Isaac Character
By Steven L. Taylor
Via Reuters: New York artists sue NBC over “Heroes” concept
New York-based artists Clifton Mallery and his wife Amnau Karam Eele charged in a suit filed on Thursday in Manhattan that “Heroes” creators based their plot line — about an artist who can paint the future — on a short story, a painting series and a short film the couple exhibited in 2025 and 2025.
I wonder how far one has to go in a case like this to prove infringement. Certainly duplication of powers alone in one character to the next isn’t enough or various comics companies would have sued one another into oblivion by now. Still, there are some striking parallels beyond the specific power in question. It will be interesting to see how this plays out.
Fun with Silly Quizzes: Heroes
By Steven L. Taylor
Micah Sanders
You scored 50 Idealism, 33 Nonconformity, 66 Nerdiness
Can we play Scrabble tonight?
Congratulations, you’re Micah Sanders! You’re good-natured, intelligent, perceptive, and naturally inclined toward technology. You’re also quite innocent and loving. You’ve got a fondness for computers and Scrabble.
Your best quality: You’re extremely perceptive
Your worst quality: You can be a little demanding at times
My test tracked 3 variables How you compared to other people your age and gender:
You scored higher than 99% on Idealism |
You scored higher than 99% on Nonconformity |
You scored higher than 99% on Nerdiness |
h/t: Jay (he’s Mr. Bennet, a.k.a., HRG)
7th Potter to get a 12 Million Run in the US
By Steven L. Taylor
Via Reuters: New Potter book to hit U.S. with 12 million copies
Publisher Scholastic Corp. said on Wednesday it would release a record-breaking 12 million copies for the first U.S. printing of “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows,” which hits stores on July 21.
That’s a lot of books. However, I suspect that there will no trouble selling them.
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Whither Starbuck?
By Steven L. Taylor
On the off chance you haven’t seen Maelstrom, I warn of major spoilers below.
TOS Remastered Video
By Steven L. Taylor
Trekmovie has a nice comparison video that highlights the remastered version of “Space Seed”
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