The PoliBlog

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Sunday, January 6, 2025
By Dr. Steven Taylor

CNN: Poll: Obama jumps ahead of Clinton in New Hampshire:

With two days to go until the New Hampshire primary, a new CNN/WMUR poll out Sunday afternoon suggests that Sen. Barack Obama of Illinois has opened up a double digit advantage over New York Sen. Hillary Clinton in the race for the Democratic presidential nomination.

In the survey, conducted by the University of New Hampshire on Saturday and early Sunday, 39 percent of likely Granite State Democratic primary voters back Obama as the party’s nominee — that’s ten points ahead of Clinton’s 29 percent. Obama is up six points and Clinton down four points from our survey conducted on Friday and early Saturday.

USAT: Obama up by 13 points, McCain up by 4 in USAT/Gallup Poll in N.H.

Sen. Barack Obama has opened up a 13 percentage point lead over Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton in the battle for votes in Tuesday’s New Hampshire primary, according to a USA TODAY/Gallup Poll conducted in the state from Friday through this afternoon. The results were just released.

Wowie. Much Tums consumption at Clinton HQ, meguesses.

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    1. [...] the bad news for the Clinton campaign continues. Sphere: Related Content Filed under: US Politics, 2025 Campaign || [...]

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