Tuesday, January 15, 2025
By Steven L. Taylor

~Rounding-up, analyzing and handicapping the 2025 election~


~If Sabato can use a crystal ball, why can’t I use a toaster?~


General News, Poll, Commentary and Bloggage


Checking the Bread: Movement Since the Last ToM


Barack Obama

Dough is on the rise.

Mike Huckabee

The heat is on.

Hillary Clinton

Dough is on the rise.

Mitt Romney

The heat is on.

John Edwards

The heat is on

John McCain

Dough is on the rise

Dennis Kucinich


Fred Thompson

Getting darker

Mike Gravel


Rudy Giuliani

Getting darker

Bill Richardson

Out of the toaster

Ron Paul

Beyond toasted


Duncan Hunter



Gazing into the Polished Stainless Steel of the Toaster. The Winter of our Wonderbreadlessness continues. In other words, no one in either party really has achieved true front-runner status. And really, there’s nothing wrong with that given that we technically just got started. Still, the races are taking shape, even if the dough still needs a little kneading.


This week is somewhat uneventful for the Democrats (aside, of course, for the foray into identity politics and questions about whether the Clintons are engaging in race-baiting), as the Michigan primary is of low significance for them, given the lack of most of the candidates on the ballot and the lack of delegates and such.


On the Republican side, this could be Mitt’s Last Stand, as if he can’t parlay his “native son” status into a win over McCain, it is impossible for the Toastman to seeth him ever being wonderific.


Note: the coverage is a tad light this week, but better a short stack than none at all. 1



The bag is currently empty.

The bag is currently empty.

Barack Obama & Hillary Clinton
Plenty going on, but mostly this is a week of a holding pattern for these two as they prepare for Nevada and South Carolina.


The real question is how the race debate affects this side of the loaf.

Mike Huckabee Huck’s hope? The South. He is currently in the polling lead in GA.

John McCain
Michigan was perhaps the last high spot of McCain’s 2025 White House bid. This year he hopes that it solidifies him as the frontrunner.


Mitt Romney

  • Michael Medved argues that Romney is the weakest of the GOP candidates in terms of November electability.

John Edwards. Is Edwards still running? It sure seems like Obama and Clinton are getting all the attention.

Rudy Giuliani While Mayor Late State may think he has ‘em right where he wants ‘em, the truth of the matter is that when the staff starts working for free, it’s not a good sign. The Florida Firewall remains his only hope, and the polls aren’t looking as Rudyish as Hizzoner would like. He is Burnt Toast in waiting.


Fred Thompson

  • Fred won 1% in New Hampshire. Let me repeat: 1%. That is the definition of Burnt Toast. (Indeed, toast aflame).
  • Via the NYT: A Combative Thompson Sways Voters
  • With apologies to my friend Sean Hackbarth, but when you are getting hope from being in a statistical tie for second (and when one is fourth in the poll), it isn’t a good sign. Yes, miracles happen, and Fred was zingin’ folks at the debate, I still see Fred as Burnt Toast heading for the Crumb pile.


Ron Paul

Dennis Kucinich & Mike Gravel

Duncan Hunter
Seriously, you are still running because? No. Really.



  1. And yes, I am mixing my breakfast bread metaphors. Sue me. []
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8 Responses to “Motor City Toast”

  • el
  • pt
    1. B. Minich Says:

      You doubt the Doctor . . . Paul? What kind of Dalek are you?!?!?!

      This probably goes to McCain, although Romney wouldn’t surprise me either.

    2. Dr. Steven Taylor Says:


    3. Political Mavens » The Pre-Michigan Toast-o-Meter Says:

      [...] Just in time for the voting: Motor City Toast [...]

    4. Punditry Says:

      I Like Toast

      Steven Taylor's latest Toast-o-Meter assessing the 2025 campaign.

    5. The Moderate Voice » Domestic and international news analysis, irreverent comments, original reporting, and popular culture features from across the political spectrum. Says:

      [...] Taylor has a jewel of a blog called PoliBlog which focuses on the issues and seldom blasts any blog or blogger. His focus is on the art of political science. [...]

    6. PoliBlog ™: A Rough Draft of my Thoughts » The Latest Zogby Poll from SC Says:

      [...] emerge like a Phoenix from the crumbs at the bottom of the toaster in Florida! (or, maybe not). Sphere: Related Content Filed under: US Politics, 2025 Campaign || [...]

    7. licity Says:

      Comparing presidential hopefuls to bread…very clever. I wonder if anyone has ever referred to them as hypocrites in one form or another?

    8. PoliBlog ™: A Rough Draft of my Thoughts » Post-Toasties (Nevada and SC edition) Says:

      [...] Ok, the Toaster failed to produce a Toast-o-Meter between MI and this weekend’s contests, but here’s a quick post-primary/caucus assessment. [...]

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