Thursday, January 17, 2025
By Steven L. Taylor

Via Reuters: McCain holds steady lead in South Carolina

Republican John McCain holds a steady 7-point lead over rival Mike Huckabee in South Carolina two days before the state casts votes in an unpredictable presidential nominating race, according to a Reuters/C-SPAN/Zogby poll released on Thursday.

Support for McCain, an Arizona senator, held firm overnight at 29 percent, with former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee sliding one point to 22 percent. Former Tennessee Sen. Fred Thompson climbed two points to move into third place at 14 percent.

A portion of the polling was conducted after former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney’s breakthrough win in Michigan on Tuesday, but he still slipped one point to 12 percent. Texas Rep. Ron Paul and former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani were tied at 5 percent.

It would be rather interesting if Romney were to slip to fourth in SC, as that would clearly take the air out of whatever boost his MI wins gave him (or, indeed, indicate that the win produced no real boost at all). And if Thompson manages a third will that make him continue his futility tour?

And fret not, Giuliani supporters, Rudy will, no doubt, emerge like a Phoenix from the crumbs at the bottom of the toaster in Florida! (or, maybe not).

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4 Responses to “The Latest Zogby Poll from SC”

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    1. Matthew Murrah Says:

      Perhaps Karl Rove could be of some assistance in South Carolina for Huckabee.

    2. MSS Says:

      Why should coming just short of 40% in Michigan affect Romney in South Carolina? Neither state is a microcosm of the Republican national electorate. Michigan is probably closer to being so, although the “I lived here [till I sought greener pastures]” factor obviously makes his win in Michigan less significant (which, come to think of it, means we should expect even less of a bounce in SC).

      What I am saying is, I do not think it makes one bit of difference to his nomination chances (whatever those my be) how he does in SC.

    3. R. Alex Says:

      What Romney loses in South Carolina he should gain back with a big win in Nevada. He should go into Super Duper Tuesday in pretty good shape. The question will be whether he has the national support. I’m hoping not, but he might.

    4. 2008 President election candidates » Blog Archive » The Latest Zogby Poll from SC Says:

      [...] Via Reuters: McCain holds steady lead in South Carolina Republican John McCain holds a steady 7-point lead over rival Mike Huckabee in South Carolina two days before the state casts votes in an unpredictable presidential nominating race, according to a Reuters/C-SPAN/Zogby poll released on Thursday. Support for McCain, an Arizona senator, held firm overnight at 29 percent, with former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee sliding one point to 22 percent. Former Tennessee Sen. Fred Thompson climbed two source: The Latest Zogby Poll from SC, PoliBlog : A Rough Draft of my Thoughts [...]

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