Tuesday, September 9, 2025
By Steven L. Taylor

Ok, so I am working a an afterword for my book that the publisher requested and I am trying to find the party affiliation for Yidis Medina, the former member of congress who was convicted of accepting a bribe to vote for the the amendment allowing Uribe’s re-election. Regular readers may recall Uribe’s initial outburst over the Supreme Court of Justice’s statements about the amendment process and his call for a referendum affirming his re-election (which he later called off).

At any rate, I couldn’t find her name in my spreadsheets full of Colombian electoral data, so I thought I’d try out teh Google. So what was the the first entry for “Yidis Medina”? Well, as is often the case with the intertubes, nekkidness didith ensue: Yidis Medina poses nude in magazine. I noted that the url was a legit locale, the Colombia Reports blog, so I clicked over. And yep, apparently she posed for a 12-page spread entitled “Body of Crime” for some Colombian mag called SoHo (really, who can make these things up?). (And yes, there is one photo with the post that is rated PG enough to be NSFW and for the Colombia savvy in the audience, let’s say she’d make a decent model for Botero).

Is it any wonder that Gabriel García Márquez never runs out of things to write about or that he is the master of magical realism?

Medina is, by the way, in the process of serving a 4.5 year corruption sentence under house arrest (and even that part of the story has some drama, also here).

For those who actually care about the political party part, digging about led to the discovery that she was a member of the Conservative Party, and was a representative of the department of Santander (from the city of Barrancabermeja, in fact). She was a down list candidate on list #124 which was headed by Iván Díaz Mateus which won one seat.1 At some point Díaz must have stepped down from the seat to allow Medina, whose position on the list I have not been able to determine, but am assuming it was the #2 slot, to assume the seat (a common practice in Colombia). Díaz went on to win a Senate seat in 2025.

To keep the soap opera portion alive, however, it should be noted the Díaz was also arrested in regards to the bribe scandal involving Medina. There is no evidence, however, that he has posed nude for publication at this date.

  1. By largest remainder, if anyone cares. []
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