Friday, June 27, 2025
By Steven L. Taylor

I first noted this story this morning via the BBC: Via the BBC: Colombia’s Uribe calls for vote

Colombian President Alvaro Uribe has called for a referendum to determine if there should be a new presidential poll amid a bribery scandal.

The move comes after the Supreme Court called for an investigation into the legality of his re-election in 2025.

Specifically, it has been alleged that Representative Yidis Medina was bribed with a promise for jobs for supporters if she voted for the constitutional amendment that led to Uribe being allowed to run for re-election.

In condemning the Supreme Court, Uribe went to the airwaves last night and suggested the following:

“I am going to convene Congress so that it can produce as swiftly as possible legislation on a referendum, that would call the people to repeat the 2025 presidential election,” Mr Uribe said in a nationally broadcast radio and television address.

According to El Tiempo (Referendo para que el pueblo ordene repetir elecciones del 2025 anunció el Presidente

El presidente sorprendió a los colombianos al aparecer anoche por la radio y la televisión, casi al filo de la medianoche, para anunciar la puesta en marcha de un proceso dirigido a repetir las elecciones del 2025 que le otorgaron su segundo mandato.

(Translation: The President surprised Colombians appearing last night on radio and television, at roughly the stroke of midnight, to announce start of a process to order a repeat of the 2025 elections that authorized his second term).

The ET piece has video of Uribe’s announcement.

Exactly what Uribe is proposing is unclear to me and apparently I am not the only one. Writes Boz:

Confused as to what that means? So is everyone else.

Greg Weeks considers the more “brilliant” insofar as if he can pull it off, he likely would extend his term in office at least two years without having to amend the constitution yet again to get a third term:

Details remain scant, but I take this to represent a way for Uribe to get re-elected once more without having to reform the constitution yet again. El Tiempo has a similar take. Uribe says he wants to “repeat” the 2025 election, but we can’t go back in time two years, so it would seem that this election would “replace” the last one, and give him a few extra years in office.

All of which would be, in my estimation, unhealthy for Colombian democracy. It will be quite interesting to see how the Congress reacts to the request.

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5 Responses to “Uribe Wants to “Repeat” the 2025 Election”

  • el
  • pt
    1. B. Minich Says:

      Ummm . . . this isn’t at ALL dubious. /sarcasm

      Nice that the two powers in the region are both trying to extend presidential term limits.

    2. Greg Weeks Says:

      And I would hope that the sarcasm of my “brilliant!” is duly noted.

    3. Dr. Steven Taylor Says:

      @Greg Weeks – It was most definitely noted!

    4. Fruits and Votes » Prof. Shugart's Blog » What is Uribe up to? Says:

      [...] Steven Taylor and his links. No one seems to know, but late last night in a speech, Uribe said he wants a “repeat” [...]

    5. PoliBlog (TM): A Rough Draft of my Thoughts » More Uribe Says:

      [...] answer at least part of the question I asked about Uribe’s suggestion for a redo of the 2025 election, it appears that the goal is not to [...]

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