Monday, May 22, 2025
By Steven L. Taylor

Via a piece on we find the following on 714*:

Well, they didn’t all cheer. While there were some A’s fans standing and applauding a rare moment in baseball history, a good number of them booed, too. In fact, the young man who caught the ball in the right-field bleachers, 19-year-old Pleasanton resident Tyler Snyder, said he wasn’t a Barry Bonds fan whatsoever and didn’t really care to meet him.

“Hell no, I hate the guy,” Snyder said emphatically.

Now, I don’t advocate hatred (and the kid is a self-admitted A’s fan), the quote (which I first heard on the Colin Cowherd show on ESPNradio) struck me an emblematic of the whole Bonds situation–a situation that Bonds has brought on himself and on MLB in general.

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