The AP notes that it is Hard to Predict 6th Circuit’s NSA Ruling. To quote Chris Berman: “that’s why they play the game.”
At any rate, the piece mostly points out the obvious fact that we really don’t know how the court will rule.
Aside from that, there is this information on the court’s composition:
Bush has appointed six judges to the Cincinnati-based 6th Circuit, including two Michigan judges last summer that gave Republican appointees an 8-6 majority. The chief judge was appointed by Ronald Reagan.Sphere: Related ContentThe three-judge panels that hear appeals sometimes include a district court judge or a senior judge who is not a full-time member of the court. The full court could hear the case if a panel’s decision is appealed.
“There’s a whole range of judges in terms of experience, age and background,” said John Pirich, a Lansing, Mich., attorney who has argued cases here over three decades. “I really can’t quantify any of their rulings based upon who appointed them or what year they’ve been appointed.”