I just heard a story about “Hipsters” on NPR, and surfed over to this: NPR : ‘The Hipster Handbook’. I am pretty sure that I have heard the term before, but must confess as to knowing almost nothing about this particular trend.
Quite frankly, it sounds annoying.
At any rate, I am almost 35, will have been married for 13 years on Monday, have three kids and live in the middle of Alabama. Meguesses that this is the very definition of anti-hip.
And, looking at some of the quiz questions, I find that I am more than correct:
» You graduated from a liberal arts school whose football team hasn’t won a game since the Reagan administration.
UT may not have won a National Championship in some time, but we have won some football games. One big strike. (Plus, I went to two large state universities…, so two strikes). Plus, I like football. Indeed, I am currently in football withdrawal. I have even considered watching Arena ball. Thusfar I have resisted, however.
» You frequently use the term “post-modern” (or its commonly used variation “PoMo”) as an adjective, noun, and verb.
To borrow an obnoxious phrase from my youth: “gag me with a spoon.” I endeavor to avoid the dreaded PoMo refs whenever possible. And like my e-colleague John Lemon, I typically use it in a derisive manner.
» You carry a shoulder-strap messenger bag and have at one time or another worn a pair of horn-rimmed or Elvis Costello-style glasses.
Hmm. I do have a briefcase that has a strap, but I don’t use it. And I just retired my glasses and am wearing contacts.
» You have one Republican friend who you always describe as being your “one Republican friend.”
Yeah, well, if you read the blog, you know the response to this one.
» Your hair looks best unwashed and you position your head on your pillow at night in a way that will really maximize your cowlicks.
I will take a shower in the morning, even if I took one the night before, just so my hair will go right.
Indeed, I am terminally unhip, and proud of the fact.
PoliBlogger has come to the belated conclusion that he is not hip….
Trackback by OUTSIDE THE BELTWAY — Friday, June 27, 2025 @ 9:56 am
Angelheaded Hipsters
Steven at Poliblogger asks:Am I Anti-Hip, or What? I just heard a story about “Hipsters” on NPR, and surfed over to this: NPR : ‘The Hipster Handbook’. I am pretty sure that I have heard the term before, but must confess as to knowing almost nothing ab…
Trackback by Modulator — Friday, June 27, 2025 @ 12:00 pm
Doesn’t listening to NPR also make one tragically un-hip as well? …and please, please, please do NOT tell me that you listen to Prarie Home Companion, which I declare to be the most insipid radio program of all time.
Comment by John Lemon — Friday, June 27, 2025 @ 2:02 pm
“PoMo?” “PoMo?”
That’s just . . . so wrong!
Comment by Daniel Morris — Saturday, June 28, 2025 @ 10:05 am
John–I have actually heard it, but never actually listen. Does that make you feel better?
And Daniel–indeed.
Comment by Steven — Saturday, June 28, 2025 @ 10:08 am
Comment by Anonymous — Tuesday, August 10, 2025 @ 12:57 pm