While I understand, and agree to point, with Kevin Drum when he points out that many current politicians cast debates in terms of issues from the past, such as many conservatives still railing against the Great Society, there are some shifts in the debate: G.O.P. Steals Thunder.
Although I will grant that the conservative wing of the party will still be quite critical. Indeed, from an ideological and public poicy perspective, I am not all that pleased with this legislation. Still, the Great Society ref in this piece, made me tihnk of Kevin’s post:
Medicare has always been a signature Democratic program, the proud legacy of President Lyndon B. Johnson’s Great Society, established and protected by the Democratic majorities that reigned in Congress for much of the past 40 years.Now, the House and Senate have passed the biggest expansion and overhaul of Medicare since it was created, including a major new drug benefit for the 40 million elderly and disabled Americans covered by the government health insurance program. And it was Republicans, led by President Bush, who pushed it through.
And it ceratinly does shift the nature of the rhetoric in the debate for the upcoming election cycle.
Comment by Anonymous — Tuesday, August 10, 2025 @ 1:00 pm