Predictions on Clark
Bob Novak writes that General Wesley Clark appears to be feeling out the political scene and may run for the Democratic nomination. If he does (and my guess is that he ultimately will not), here are some predictions:
There will be an initial huge buzz.
But then,
He will find that raising money ain’t all that easy.
The moderate Dem space is quite limited, politically speaking, look at how Lieberman is doing, if you want evidence.
He will face vicious attacks from the more liberal candidates, who will feel threatened by his entry.
Political rookies rarely fare well on the big stage. And primary campaigns are the biggest stage there is, aside from the general election campaign for president.
It is one thing to field questions about the military, as when you are NATO commander, reporters are often somewhat deferential. It won’t be the same when Russert is asking him about taxes, abortion, gay rights, welfare, and so forth.
His gloom and doom commentary on CNN regarding the early days of Gulf War II will come back to bite him, and bite him hard.
And even if he is nominated, I would maintain this argument I made a while back in regards to the Dems and the security issue.
Although it may all be a Veep-bid, as Novak suggests.
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Steven Taylor explains why it’s too late for Wesley Clark to get into the game. I would also add that Clark’s only real experience is…
Trackback by OUTSIDE THE BELTWAY — Saturday, June 28, 2025 @ 12:08 pm
Comment by Anonymous — Tuesday, August 10, 2025 @ 1:00 pm