Tuesday, May 1, 2025
By Steven L. Taylor

Via the AP: Colombia Seizes 27 Tons of Cocaine Worth $500 Million

Colombia’s navy made the largest drug seizure in the nation’s history when it uncovered up to 27 tons of cocaine buried along the Pacific coast, the defense minister said Monday.

The cocaine, with a wholesale value of more than $500 million, was found Sunday buried in 1,000 packages of 55 pounds each near the coastal town of Pizarro, 250 miles west of Bogota, Defense Minister Juan Manuel Santos told a news conference.

Later, Navy Adm. Guillermo Barrera told The Associated Press by telephone that 919 packages of cocaine had been found. The different numbers could not be immediately explained. The figures put the cocaine seizure between 24 tons to 27 tons.

That’s half a billion dollars worth of cocaine. Amazing.

And the truly amazing thing is that this seizure will not significantly affect the supply of cocaine on the streets nor the price of the drug–it never does.

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2 Responses to “Record Cocaine Seizure by the Colombian Navy”

  • el
  • pt
    1. PoliBlog ™: A Rough Draft of my Thoughts » Cocaine Haul not as Big as Originally Though. Says:

      [...] Ok, less than originally reported, but as I have been known to say in these instances: that’s still a lot of blow. [...]

    2. Colombia: A PoliBlog Sideblog » Cocaine Haul not as Big as Originally Thought Says:

      [...] Ok, less than originally reported, but as I have been known to say in these instances: that’s still a lot of blow. [...]

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