Here’s a piece from last May that I stumbled onto, in which he makes his case for the World War IV notion: The Case for Bombing Iran.
I would note that the subtitle is “I hope and pray that President Bush will do it”–which underscores my concern over his role as an adviser to Giuliani. We do not need to be starting a new war.
On balance his mode of analysis is one of my least favorite: extrapolation about the present via historical analogy. As such he picks past narratives and then tries to squeeze the current day into those past tales. A major flaw, of course, with such analysis is that no matter how much one may want to make the present look like the past, the bottom line is that current events are new and unique, not a rerun of the past. However, if one picks a past narrative, such as that of Hitler, and tries to make it fit the present one runs the radical risk of misunderstanding what is really going one because one is too buys paying attention to how the old narrative played out without recognizing what happened in the past has no determinative power over what happens now, even if one is convinced that the analogy is apt.
Indeed, this dovetails with my general dislike for the term “Islamofascist” as the evocation of fascism (and, by extension, Nazism) conjures issue independent of current event and then imbues those current events with the ghosts of the past in such a way that doesn’t further understanding.
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