The PoliBlog

The Collective
Wednesday, January 16, 2025
By Dr. Steven Taylor

Via Reuters: McCain takes early lead in South Carolina: poll |

McCain, an Arizona senator, leads the former Arkansas governor by 29 percent to 23 percent. Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney was in third place with 13 percent.


In fourth place among Republicans was former Tennessee Sen. Fred Thompson. Texas Rep. Ron Paul trailed with 6 percent and former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani had 5 percent.


About 10 percent of the poll’s respondents said they had not decided on a candidate yet, leaving plenty of room for swings in momentum.

The MOE is 3.4%.

This is a multi-day rolling tracking poll, and therefore does not capture Romney’s Michigan win and whatever effect that might have. However, as I noted last night, I have a hard time seeing Michigan’s choice being a big influence on South Carolinians. Beyond that, it would take quite a leap for Romney to make up 16 points on McCain. The real question for SC is whether Huckabee can manufacture a win there.

And also: will SC convince Fred that he’s toast?

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Filed under: US Politics, 2008 Campaign | |


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    1. It might be a short and wobbly limb that I’m going out on, but I’m going to say that if Huckabee does not win in SC, he has very little chance of winning the nomination - he is essentially riding a wave of fundamental christian support, and if he can’t win over the whole of the Bible Belt, I can’t see him carrying states that have smaller populations of his brand of christianity. A win in SC by no means gets him in; but a loss there would be very telling.

      Comment by Captain D. — Wednesday, January 16, 2025 @ 8:40 am

    2. The choice in this election is simple. If we want a president who will lead America to the big, bold changes we need and change the conversation in America, Democrats should choose the candidate who has led the field in ideas and shaped the conversation in this race so far.

      On the Democratic side, John Edwards, although never the front-runner, has been driving his party’s policy agenda. He’s done it again on economic stimulus: last month, before the economic consensus turned as negative as it now has, he proposed a stimulus package including aid to unemployed workers, aid to cash-strapped state and local governments, public investment in alternative energy, and other measures

      The fact remains that the Edwards campaign has set the domestic policy agenda for the entire field. He was the first with a bold universal health care plan, the first with an ambitious climate change proposal that called for cap-and-trade, and the leader on reforming predatory lending practices and raising the minimum wage to a level where it regains its lost purchasing power

      John Edwards has led the other candidates in standing up for progressive change. In this campaign, the other candidates have followed John’s lead in talking about the special interests — but the special interests understand the difference between rhetoric and reality. That’s why corporate lobbyists are united against John Edwards.

      Here’s the bottom line in this election. We need a president who has the vision to put forth bold, progressive solutions to the challenges facing America in the 21st century. John Edwards has shown he has that vision — and he has led on it throughout this campaign.

      John Edwards has stated that, as president, he will require the use of safe, renewable energy sources like wind, solar power and biomass to generate 25% of the nation’s electricity by 2025. In the first 100 days of his presidency, John will send legislation to Congress to halt global warming and achieve energy independence.

      John has promised to invest $1 billion a year to develop the ability to permanently store carbon emissions and ban the construction of new coal plants that cannot capture their own carbon.

      And, as president, John Edwards would invest an additional $1 billion to help U.S. automakers advance the latest technology — including biofuels, hybrid and electric cars, ultra-light materials and drivetrain improvements — to ensure the world’s most fuel-efficient cars are made in America by union workers.

      And because John Edwards has not accepted a dime from Washington lobbyists or special interest PACs, he has a bold, transformational plan to take on the big oil companies, polluters and power companies to address the great environmental challenges of our lifetime.

      John Edwards is the only one that will fight poverty and bring health care and education to the poor & middle class of America. John Edwards would be the best President for all of America, anything less will be as bad as keeping Bush in office forever.

      America deserves honest men of integrity that will fight for all Americans, and Edwards is a true patriot that can make America great. He has the substinance, determination, and will to fight greed, corruption and end the outsourcing of our jobs.

      His economic, education, health and welfare policies are now being copied by all the canidates. Edwards spoke out months and even years before the others.

      America needs to think about why the “Washington Greed, Corruption, Large Corporations and Media” are trying to make this a two candidate Democratic race?

      Edwards is the only Democrat able to win the Presidency, as polls have showed that any Republican nominated will beat Clinton and/or Obama.

      An Edwards presidency will create American jobs for Americans by ending the outsourcing of our jobs lost through NAFTA and CAFTA. It will end the greed and corruption of large corporations and Washington politicians.

      End the $700 million per day wasted in Iraq and invest in America, America can prosper in a global economy without outsourcing our jobs

      Vote for jobs for the workers of America, healthcare and education for the middle class by endorsing a true patriot of integrity and honesty for America, John Edwards

      Comment by Gary — Wednesday, January 16, 2025 @ 9:18 am

    3. VITAL Tool For Election Year: The Toast-O-Meter

      With contradictory polls, a zillion weblogs, talking heads on TV who talk as if they know it all (New Hampshire suggested something else) where can go you for INSTANT and constantly revised clarity on who’s up and who’s down? Political sci…

      Trackback by The Moderate Voice — Thursday, January 17, 2025 @ 1:16 am

    4. VITAL Tool For Election Year: The Toast-O-Meter

      With contradictory polls, a zillion weblogs, talking heads on TV who talk as if they know it all (New Hampshire suggested something else) where can go you for INSTANT and constantly revised clarity on who’s up and who’s down? Political sci…

      Trackback by The Moderate Voice — Thursday, January 17, 2025 @ 1:16 am

    5. VITAL Tool For Election Year: The Toast-O-Meter

      With contradictory polls, a zillion weblogs, talking heads on TV who talk as if they know it all (New Hampshire suggested something else) where can go you for INSTANT and constantly revised clarity on who’s up and who’s down? Political sci…

      Trackback by The Moderate Voice — Thursday, January 17, 2025 @ 1:16 am

    6. VITAL Tool For Election Year: The Toast-O-Meter

      With contradictory polls, a zillion weblogs, talking heads on TV who talk as if they know it all (New Hampshire suggested something else) where can go you for INSTANT and constantly revised clarity on who’s up and who’s down? Political sci…

      Trackback by The Moderate Voice — Thursday, January 17, 2025 @ 1:16 am

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