Via Greg Sargent at Talking Points Memo |
In the Clinton campaign conference call I mentioned below, Hillary pollster Mark Penn repeatedly said Obama was becoming an “establishment candidate”
“The more that Senator Obama has shifted to becoming an establishment campaign based on endorsements, people said, `You know, it’s really Senator Clinton who has the ideas for change,’” Penn told reporters.
First, this is almost laughable on its face, given that Clinton is running on experience and started this process as the Coming of the Inevitable Winner because of her husband’s administration. Further, can there be any doubt that her administration will draw more heavily from already known quantities in the Democratic Party than will an Obama administration? 1 Given that Hillary seeks a Clinton restoration in the White House makes such claims about Obama to be rather amusing, to put it mildly.
Second, I always find the whole notion of “the establishment” to be amusing, given the decentralized nature of American parties. It always conjures this idea of the Party Elite, after exchanging secret handshakes, agreeing on a candidate. Beyond that, it isn’t as if Senator Clinton hasn’t sought, and received, support from various politicians and organizations within the Democratic coalition, as has Obama.
Indeed, the whole “establishment” thing is ultimately tautological because eventually the established politicians do coalesce around the winner. Given that Obama is garnering about half the support of the party, one shouldn’t be surprised that some of that support is from veteran Democrats.
This is the kind of move by a politician (or, in this case, by their campaign) that always look a bit ridiculous and desperate.
Sphere: Related Content- Both will draw from the same pool to some degree, of course, but Obama is far, far more likely to draw from elsewhere as well than is Clinton. [↩]
Nonsense. I, in fact, laughed the instant I read it. It is therefore not “almost” laughable, but laughable as such.
Comment by Jim Henley — Thursday, February 7, 2025 @ 9:30 am
Fair enough.
I awoke with a migraine this morning, so that, no doubt, dampened my laugh reflex!
Comment by Dr. Steven Taylor — Thursday, February 7, 2025 @ 9:39 am
I have but only one comment to this; “Iron my shirt!”
Comment by The Guy From Class — Thursday, February 7, 2025 @ 3:23 pm
Why am I not surprised that you have a blog?
Comment by Dr. Steven Taylor — Thursday, February 7, 2025 @ 3:45 pm
What Jim said.
Comment by MSS — Thursday, February 7, 2025 @ 6:24 pm
Remember a time when a President said it depends what the meaning of “is” is. Remember a time when someone committed suicide with a gun 3 feet away and rolled his body up afterwards with the subsequent investigation lead by the nation’s elite police(the National Park Service). Remember an era of bullying and political trades like NAFTA. Remember an election lost by Gore because of a President’s poor judgment which lead to the Iraq war. Remember a couple who always blame the Republicans, the blacks, the press, and …just keep filling in the blanks as this changes with convenience. Remember the face of an angry Bill outraged that blacks would vote for someone other than his wife.
Remember Hillary voted and supported the Iraq war. Obama did not.
Ask yourself do you really believe the Clintons tell the truth? Do you believe the Clintons are power hungry? Did the Clintons accomplish health care reform with 8 years in Office? Did the Clintons do anything about Al Queida when they were in power? Do you really want Bill chasing interns in the White House again?
Its time to jump ship like rats and no longer be afraid of political retribution from the Clintons. We have a new person we can believe in who just might be able to improve things.
Its time for a change. Its time for Obama.
Comment by JE - Vallejo Voter — Tuesday, February 12, 2025 @ 11:38 pm