Thursday, February 7, 2025
By Steven L. Taylor

Regarding Mitt Romney’s concession speech today, Orin Kerr noted the following excerpt in Romney’s speech:

If I fight on in my campaign, all the way to the convention, . . . I’d forestall the launch of a national campaign. Frankly, I would be making it easier for Senator Clinton or Obama to win. Frankly, in this time of war, I simply cannot let my campaign be a part of aiding a surrender to terror.

To which Kerr noted:

You can certainly argue that one candidate or one party is better at responding to the threat of terrorism. But suggesting that the other side would “surrender” to terror is absurd. This speech should have been a display of statesmanship, not an audition to be the next Ann Coulter.


No wonder Hugh Hewitt was so enamored with Mitt…

(Eugene Volokh also noted, and commented upon, the line as well, Meanwhile, Michelle Malkin liked the line enough to make it the title of her post on Romney’s speech.).

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