Via the BBC: France calls off Colombia mission
The French humanitarian mission sent to Colombia to try to secure to release of the hostage Ingrid Betancourt is being withdrawn from the country.
Colombia’s Farc rebels said they would not allow emergency medical aid to be delivered to the kidnapped politician.
The mission was “not acceptable” and was launched without the guerrillas’ agreement, a Farc statement said.
The mission was a joint French, Spanish and Swiss attempt to bring medical aid to former Senator and presidential candidate, Ingrid Betancourt, who has been in captivity for roughly six years and reportedly is suffering from hepatitis and other ailments.
It is no surprise that the mission was turned away–indeed, I would have been shocked had the FARC allowed it to take place.
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I feel sorry for Mrs. Betancourt’s children but the fact remains that many others suffer much more than Mrs. Betancourt. I also think that the french government should stop interfering. Indeed, Mrs. Betancourt carries an impressive french family name (from old money) by her marriage to a Betancourt. She knew what she was doing in Columbia. In fact, she was there not as a french citizen but as a columbian citizen. I am an american and I live here in France and I can tell you that my french friends don’t care one iota about rescuing Mrs. Betancourt.
Comment by T. Sy — Wednesday, April 9, 2025 @ 9:36 am