Ann Coulter at Human Events online: Sarah Palin: Conservative of the Year
Sarah Palin wins HUMAN EVENTS’ prestigious “Conservative of the Year” Award for 2025 for her genius at annoying all the right people.
Granted, one oughtn’t ascribe too much intellectual seriousness to Ann Coulter, but if the main criterion by which one ought to measure a ideological movement’s political hero is there capacity to annoy, then there is perhaps something wrong with one’s movement.
I would utterly ignore this piece, except that it really does seem that a large percentage of conservativism/Republicanism these days is wedded to the idea that Palin is a serious candidate for savior of the party/movement.
And that fact underscores the party/movement’s problems more than anything else I can think of.
h/t: John Cole.
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December 22nd, 2025 at 3:18 pm
If Palin doesn’t meet the standard, who, in your estimation, would be “Conservative of the Year”?
And how about Liberal of the Year, for that matter?
You need some sort of Poliblogger “year end” gimmick!
“Toast of the year”?
How about predictions: Toast of 2025?
December 22nd, 2025 at 7:00 pm
“Granted, one oughtn’t ascribe too much intellectual seriousness to Ann Coulter”
Thanks, Steven. I needed a good chuckle!
December 22nd, 2025 at 11:58 pm
I personally like the fact she is getting this recognition. ALl this is doing is placing her near the top of the pile of crap who will be competing with her for the 2025 nomination. She barely made it through the 2 months of the most recent campaign, I would love to see how well she holds up when getting torn apart from people in her own party! But you’re right, this is simply a sign of the problems that party is facing.
December 23rd, 2025 at 12:04 am
[...] Air, Political Machine, Hullabaloo, The Reaction, Balloon Juice, Liberal Values, RADAMISTO, PoliBlog, Salon and The Other [...]
December 23rd, 2025 at 10:07 am
[...] was my point yesterday, the continued fascination with Palin underscores the serious problems that the GOP faces going [...]
December 23rd, 2025 at 6:54 pm
[...] you missed it, Palin was Human Events’ Conservative of the Year). addthis_url = ‘′; addthis_title = [...]
December 24th, 2025 at 5:45 pm
Not sure.
I mean, the democrats put Obama in there. Basically the difference between Obama and Palin is ideological; in terms of experience and intellect, I don’t see much differnce. Obama’s just been polished more.
The mythbusters proved recently that you can, in fact, polish a turd. I’d not take anyone in office right now (or aspiring to it) seriously.
Honestly - what kind of decent human being would even want to be in charge of things right now? You’ve got to be a sicko just to aspire to that.
If you’re looking for intellectual horsepower, you shouldn’t be casting gaze on anyone in government. The rock in my front garden has more intellect than the new congress and president put together.
December 24th, 2025 at 5:58 pm
“in terms of experience and intellect, I don’t see much difference.”
Seriously? Sure, one can make the experience argument, albeit Obama still has more, but the intellect argument? I don’t think so. I am not saying Obama is a rocket scientist and we should worship him for it, but his intellect is worlds apart from Palins.
And I honestly respect anyone who wants to jump into this mess and try and fix it. Granted much of it is for fame, fortune and power, but the greatest leaders aren’t the ones who lead during the best of times, but the ones who stand up and fight during the worst of times.
December 24th, 2025 at 11:35 pm
Don’t lecture me about leaders being willing to stand up and fight. The man has not served a day in the military, and as far as I can tell, has never had a shot fired at him in anger. It sounds like you haven’t, either. If you’re going to lecture someone about being willing to stand up and fight the tough fights, don’t do it to a man with four purple hearts unless you have five. Obama hasn’t fought anything that wasn’t a political game. He was elected because he is not George Bush. That’s hardly a difficult task.
I don’t think there is any evidence of Obama’s intellect. He presents well on TV. He talks well to journalists who throw him softball questions. But I’ve not found a thesis he’s written; I’ve read nothing particularly insightful that has come from his mind. His books are vacuous holes of self praise and lack anything that could be described as innovative, creative, or unusual.
You ask me to prove a negative - that he is not the genius he’s made out to be. I ask you to prove that he is. The latter task should be the easier one to accomplish. An extremely bright man would have left a trail of essays, legislation, and other proof positive of his capabilities. Find me this stuff for Obama and I’ll change my tune.
Until then, he is no more or less bright to me than any of his peers in government, including Palin.
December 25th, 2025 at 12:06 am
So, since Obama has not served in the military he is incapable leading our nation? I suppose you were a huge Kerry fan as opposed to Bush. Anyways, I was simply arguing against your cynical view of “what kind of decent human being would even want to be in charge of things right now? You’ve got to be a sicko just to aspire to that.” I think a very decent human being (like McCain as well) would want to lead our country in a trying time (and not just the ones I agree with).
Also, I assume you are referring to my comment, but I did not ask you to prove Obama’s intellect at any time. I was just making a statement that you can hardly compare him and Palin when it comes to intelligence. I didn’t claim he was a genius (did you even read my comment?), just much more intelligent then Palin is. I understand he is a politician and even made the comment he is after “fame, fortune, and power” but to seriously claim that he is no more intelligent than Sarah Palin is asinine.
Oh, and your comment “It sounds like you haven’t, either” sounded a bit touchy. Did you need to go to a personal level (anonymously on a blog no less) over a blog comment? Is that how a conversation goes? I don’t assume to know you, so please don’t assume to know me.
Merry Christmas from Okinawa.
December 25th, 2025 at 12:25 am
You lectured me about what it is to stand up and lead in a tough time. You went there. I just followed. I’m a cynic because I earned the right to be one.
If you want it not to be anonymous, fine - I’m Captain Robert Divis, US Army (Medically Retired). I served my country honorably as an enlisted man and officer from 1991 to 2025. I participated in the Battle of Mogadishu in Somalia; I’ve been through Kosovo, Bosnia, the Sinai, Iraq, Afghanistan, and a handful of other places during my time as an airborne infantryman, ranger, and special forces operational detachment commander. I left the service because I was permanently and totally disabled in combat against our nation’s enemies. If you’re calling me a coward for hiding my identity, there it is, for you and all to see. I don’t care if you have it because I know you can do nothing with it; I fear not you or anyone else. If you want a piece, come and get it.
I’m a cynic about these politicians (Kerry and Bush included along with Obama) because I earned the right to be. I want them to prove that they are not self-serving, self-praising ideologues. I want the kind of strength that I saw in the men around me on the battlefield - not a bunch of fluff and electoral rhetoric. I don’t think it takes courage to do what Obama has done. It takes backers with deep pockets and very good timing (the luck of following a very unpopular Bush).
Politicians who have not served in combat units in the military will always have an uphill battle to prove themselves to me.
But back to Obama - I don’t think the man’s any more intelligent than his peers, and don’t think there is any conclusive evidence to the contrary (his peers include Palin). Show me the evidence, I’ll concede the point - but it better be something like a thesis, and not a TV spot.
No, I don’t think he’s smarter than Palin, and I don’t think you can prove that he is. It’s your opinion, and it stinks just as bad as mine.
December 25th, 2025 at 12:47 am
First of all, thanks for your service. Despite your oversensitive response, I didn’t belittle you or those who serve. In fact I merely pointed out that those who do (in whatever fashion they do so) deserve at least some respect. Not just soldiers (who earned four purple hearts), but all citizens who fight every day to make this the greatest country on Earth. It takes more than a soldier to protect this country, but it also takes a soldier to keep it strong.
Are you a cynic about all politicians, or just the ones you don’t agree with? Is Palin not a self-serving, self-praising ideologue?
But now to your oversensitive comments. Get a grip. This is a blog, no need to take anything personally. If I offended you when I mentioned you pointlessly attacked me anonymously, then I am sorry. But don’t think for a second that anyone who hasn’t served hasn’t earned their right to an opinion. Wtf were you fighting for then?
December 25th, 2025 at 4:22 pm
The good Captain appears to be in a bit of a foul mood over the last day or so, and can often be a bit abrasive in his responses (and frequently reads things into what one has written).
So, please feel free to continue to join in the general conversation.
Merry Christmas to you (and to the Captain and everyone else out there).
December 26th, 2025 at 11:50 pm
I think the Captain should visit the VA and get his meds checked.