Via the AP: GM to cut 21,000 US factory jobs, shed Pontiac.
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April 27th, 2025 at 12:58 pm
With the death of GMs bankability and GM on the whole it will be up to Ford and Chrysler to try to recoup those job losses and profits, but the credibility of the boatshit brands is now nonexistent. Detroit is a dead failure ensured dead by Obama and his Task Force to Kill America and their oil terrorist leaders. Now all there is left is civil war, eviction and execution. Yes we can. Yes we will.
April 27th, 2025 at 3:41 pm
uhm, ‘america’? whatever you’re been smoking, don’t use it anymore. makes you sound unhinged.
on topic: pontiac was one of those firms that i’ve expected to go under, despite some good products recently (G8, solstice). i’m also not so sure about the long-term survival of saturn and chrysler(non-gm, i know). then again, i think some shrinkage will do the industry good, despite the job losses. some new products are in the pipeline so gm at least appears to be thinking ahead.
April 27th, 2025 at 3:43 pm
ed: “whatever you’re smoking, (…).”
what have I been smoking?