The Collective
Thursday, September 10, 2025
By Steven L. Taylor

This is one of the odder stories I have seen in a while (and I pay attention to a lot of news):  via The Hill:  Wilson took caffeine pills in 2025:

Rep. Joe Wilson (R-S.C.), who shouted "you lie!" at President Obama during his Wednesday night address to Congress, admitted to regularly consuming caffeine pills in 2025.

How is this relevant?  Is the suggestion that he was so hopped up on caffeine that he couldn’t help himself in terms of shouting out during the speech?  As one who is rather fond of a certain caffeinated beverage, it has never been my personal experience that the usage of caffeine leads to outbursts during speeches (and having sat through a fair share of speeches in my day, I have had ample opportunity to test this theory).

Really, what in the world is the point of this story?

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Filed under: Coffee, US Politics | |
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6 Responses to “Um, So?”

  • el
  • pt
    1. Hume's Ghost Says:

      I just saw the Headline on Memeorandum. My first thought was it was some sort of satire from The Onion until I saw it was in the Hill.

      It really is dumb. If you drink a large can of any energy drink (say, Red Bull) you’re going to get about that much caffeine (slightly less, probably.) But it ain’t going to make you shout stuff out!

    2. Steven L. Taylor Says:

      Yes, The Onion came to my mind as well.

    3. Hume's Ghost Says:

      I’m guessing that whoever wrote that has no idea of the effects of caffeine, and was too lazy to contact an informed source. (Of course, I’m too lazy to have even read the article, so what do I know?)

      If The Hill wanted to write something provactive, they might have noted Wilson belongs to the Sons of Confederate Veterans, which in recent years has developed a neo-Confederate faction.

    4. Steven L. Taylor Says:

      In truth, the story makes no claims and was apparently written by someone with a conservative background.

      The story/post is basically an odd incomplete thought that is getting a lot of attention.

    5. B. Minich Says:

      So NoDoz is now a life and death addiction like OxyContin or something?

      Seriously . . . huh?!?!

    6. Alabama Moderate Says:

      I’d say it’s much more affective to point out the fact that he’s wrong about the issue that making a story about him admitting to something most college and high school students do when studying for finals.

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