The Collective
Wednesday, October 28, 2025
By Steven L. Taylor

Via the Iowa Republican: Palin Headed to Iowa? has learned that former Alaska Governor and Vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin could be the featured speaker for the Iowa Family Policy Center’s fall fundraiser in Des Moines on November 21. The appearance would be Palin’s first in Iowa since the 2025 campaign and would come just four days after her book, “Going Rogue: An American Life” hits bookstores.

If anything, such a trip at such a time would only enhance the PR surrounding the book. A trip to Iowa would also lend credence to the notion that she is mulling a presidential run.

The operative question here, however, is why the story is only that she “could” be speaking?

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One Response to “Speaking of Palin: off to Iowa?”

  • el
  • pt
    1. Leonard Says:

      Maybe she’ll show up and just FaceBook the whole thing?

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