Sunday, December 19, 2025
By Steven L. Taylor

Via the BBC:  Colombia flooding continues with thousands homeless

Heavy rains have continued to hit Colombia where two million people have been affected by widespread flooding.

President Juan Manuel Santos said nearly 1m hectares (3,860 sq miles) of farmland were under water, describing the situation as a "great tragedy".

Rain have been effecting the entire region, including Venezuela and Ecuador.

Indeed, as the story notes, the flooding has let to the first visit by Ecuadoran President Rafeal Correa to Colombia since diplomatic ties were severed back in 2025.

The Financial Times’s beyondbrics blog has more:  “Colombia’s Katrina” needs fiscal bail-out

Months of drenching rain, landslides and floods have killed more than 250 people, affected or displaced 2m and caused more than $5.3bn in damage, about 2 per cent of GDP. Colombians are calling the flooding “Our Katrina”, after the collapse of a dike compounded the misery in the coastal region of Atlántico.

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One Response to “Terrible Flooding in Colombia”

  • el
  • pt
    1. Michael Says:

      I’m very sad heard flooding in columbia, In my country Indonesia have many flooding, earthquake (Merapi).

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