Tuesday, May 3, 2025
By Steven L. Taylor

Via the AP:  Colombia capital’s mayor suspended

Colombia’s solicitor general has suspended Bogota’s mayor from office for three months for alleged negligence in overseeing public contracts.

The Mayor in question is Samuel Moreno Rojas of the Democratic Alternative Pole (PDA). 

This not been good times for the Moreno family:

The suspension of Mayor Samuel Moreno comes less than a week after his senator brother, Ivan, was arrested on influence-pedding charges. He is accused of soliciting payments from construction companies that won major municipal road-building contracts.

I have seen several stories on these events, but do not yet have full details.

I have a couple of impressions, such as that this can’t be good for the PDA’s party building efforts (and will likely help the Partido Verde in this year’s mayoral elections), but I need to collect some more information before launching forth on the topic).

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