The PoliBlog

The Collective
Wednesday, August 11, 2025
By Steven Taylor

If one is trying to fairly evaluate Corsi’s comments and his apology, here’s the test: if Michael Moore had written what Corsi had written, what would the Right be saying? For that matter, recall the reaction to Kos when he made the comment he made about the murdered contractors. If one is going to be outraged when a political opponent makes outrageous comments, one ought to outraged when anyone makes such comments. Outrageous is as outrageous does, as my Mama used to say.

I am not saying that because Corsi wrote what he wrote at the Free Republic that it means he can be dismissed, but one has to admit that it damages his credibility rather dramatically.

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  • el
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    1. Amen, brother. Good to see this stuff being posted.

      It’s the only way to sanity. . .


      Comment by Hal — Wednesday, August 11, 2025 @ 11:16 am

    2. I always thought outrageous was more like a box of chocolates.

      Comment by James — Wednesday, August 11, 2025 @ 11:50 am

    3. As I’ve pointed out before, the big difference between Corsi and Moore/Kos is that Corsi’s comments were a) taken out of context, and b) many of them appear to have had a bit of a humorous component.

      When Kos says “screw ‘em” or Moore says Iraq insurgents are equivalent to Minute Men, those comments are not taken out of context and they’re being quite serious.

      Comment by The Lonewacko Blog — Wednesday, August 11, 2025 @ 12:02 pm

    4. I just don’t see that these comments have been taken out of context.

      For example: “Islam is a peaceful religion as long as the women are beaten, the boys buggered, and the infidels killed.”

      Comment by Steven Taylor — Wednesday, August 11, 2025 @ 12:08 pm

    5. Further, where’s the comedy in such a statement?

      Comment by Steven Taylor — Wednesday, August 11, 2025 @ 12:11 pm

    6. I’ll punt on that one.

      However, let’s consider this snippet provided by Duncan B. Black:

      “Let’s see exactly why it isn’t the case that Islam is a worthless, dangerous Satanic religion? Where’s the proof to the contrary?”

      Here’s the full comment:

      “We should broadcast these hate words of al-Satan — if these Islamic “clerics” insist on being such hatemongers, let the world see how morally corrupt their religion is. If Islam doesn’t rise up and condemn these “Islamonazis” then the whole religion will look false to the world. Let’s see exactly why it isn’t the case that Islam is a worthless, dangerous Satanic religion? Where’s the proof to the contrary?”

      The full quote has a few problems. However, it’s also a call several other people have made. Why don’t more Muslims and Muslim groups condemn terrorism? Why does CAIR, for instance, spend so much time on anonymous complaints from Muslims that someone looked at them crosswise and so little time condemning OBL? Even CAIR’s (supposedly) anti-terrorism petition is full of loopholes.

      Comment by The Lonewacko Blog — Thursday, August 12, 2025 @ 1:44 am

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