Thursday, September 30, 2025
By Steven L. Taylor

Ok, this one can’t be left alone: Bush keeps calling the Mullahs, the “mooo-las”.

That may be a classic.

However, I will say, I haven’t seen much good SNL material thus far.

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4 Responses to “Bush Unpronounciation of the Night”

  • el
  • pt
    1. CPS Says:

      Moolah is ok.

    2. CPS Says:

      Moolah is ok

      Click here

    3. Steven Taylor Says:

      Not with that many o’s ;)

      Actually, he is pronouncing it like the slang for money (moolah).

    4. John Lemon Says:

      Moo-la-la, moo-la-la-la
      Moo-la-la, moo-la-la-la-la

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      Three Iraqis, four
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