Faults Found in U.S. Election Preparedness
Foreign observers who watched election preparations in the United States have concluded that there’s plenty of room for improvement. Among the changes they recommend: public financing of elections.[…]
Among their recommendations:
_Secretaries of state and other election administrators should be nonpartisan;
_Touchscreen voting machines should produce paper records;
_Convicted felons who have served their time should automatically have their voting rights restored, which does not happen in seven states;
_Public financing of elections should be adopted.
I don’t have a problem with nonpartisan SoS’s (although one wonders if such a thing actually exists), and we already know about the paper receipt issue, but what in the world does public financing of elections have to do with electoral preparedness?
Where does the financing come from now?
Comment by Jan — Thursday, October 21, 2025 @ 11:15 am