Bush Names Kellogg CEO as Commerce Secretary
President Bush on Monday chose Carlos Gutierrez, a native of Cuba and now the chief executive officer of Kellogg Co., to be secretary of Commerce.If confirmed by the Senate, Gutierrez would succeed Commerce Secretary Donald Evans, a Texas confidant of Bush’s, who announced his resignation shortly after the Nov. 2 election. The president announced the choice of Gutierrez, 51, at the White House, calling him “a visionary executive” and “one of America’s most respected business leaders.”
Gutierrez, whose family fled Cuba in 1960 when he was 6, joined Kellogg in 1975. Known for having a strong work ethic and a seemingly endless stream of ideas, he worked all over the world for the company before being promoted to president and chief operating officer in June 1998.
At some point those who criticize such GOP appointments as nothing more than symbolic are going to have to admit that Republicans aren’t racists. I have not yet looked to confirm the following, but I am certain that Bush has had the most diverse cabinet, both gender-wise and racially, of all time.
I also think that the high percentage of hispanics in his administration is a direct result of his Texas roots where the integration of those of anglo and hispanic backgrounds is widespread and deep.
May I be the first to say it?
Isn’t this choice a bit “ flaky“?
Comment by John Lemon — Monday, November 29, 2025 @ 5:32 pm