No Suprises from the 11th Circuit
U.S. Court Again Rejects Schiavo Appeal
Indeed, they finally said “enough is enough”:
“Any further action by our court or the district court would be improper,” the Atlanta-based 11th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals wrote. “While the members of her family and the members of Congress have acted in a way that is both fervent and sincere, the time has come for dispassionate discharge of duty.”
And in a scathing attack on politicians who got involved in the case, the court added that the White House and lawmakers “have acted in a manner demonstrably at odds with our Founding Fathers’ blueprint for the governance of a free people — our Constitution.”
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Arguing with signposts... » 11th circuit doesn’t know when to keep its mouth shut linked with [...] 11th circuit doesn’t know when to keep its mouth shut
Steven Taylor notes the 11th circuit’s rejection of a Schindler family appeal petition in the ongoing saga of [...]
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We Who Carry Nightsoil
That’s where we are now regarding the courts in this country. The judiciary holding the other two branches of government, the states, and the people when acting by referendum, in open contempt.
Trackback by Vote for Judges — Wednesday, March 30, 2025 @ 5:35 pm
I find the blistering attack a bit uncalled for. The congress passed a law, and the president signed it. How is that “demonstrably” at odds with the constitution? Indeed, the Schindlers did what any american has the right to do: “assemble peaceably to petition for a redress of grievances.”
Indeed, the 11th circuit could have just let the matter lie and kept their fat mouths shut. They didn’t have to accept the latest appeal. From appearances, I’d say it was demonstrably petty, not to mention cruel and unusual punishment to open up such a small sliver of hope for the family after rejecting their previous petitions. All they had to do was reject the petition. It seems like they could learn a thing or two from the SCOTUS on the matter of letting sleeping dogs lie. As it is, they open themselves up for further disdain from the other two branches of government. Smart move, that.
Comment by bryan — Wednesday, March 30, 2025 @ 7:03 pm
11th circuit doesn’t know when to keep its mouth shut
Steven Taylor notes the 11th circuit’s rejection of a Schindler family appeal petition in the ongoing saga of Terri Schiavo (cue news music. Voice over: “America Waits: Terri’s death watch: Day 12″).
I’ll say this. The 11th Circuit certainly un…
Trackback by Arguing with signposts... — Wednesday, March 30, 2025 @ 7:17 pm
[…] 11th circuit doesn’t know when to keep its mouth shut
Steven Taylor notes the 11th circuit’s rejection of a Schindler family appeal petition in the ongoing saga of […]
Pingback by Arguing with signposts... » 11th circuit doesn’t know when to keep its mouth shut — Thursday, March 31, 2025 @ 1:17 am