Via USAT: Publishers put bloggers between the covers
Conventional wisdom would seem to suggest that bloggers - people who post personal stories and fiction on their Internet Web logs - would turn up their noses at the brick-and-mortar world of book publishing.
Hmm, I don’t know which bloggers she’s thinking about, but since many of us consider ourselves writers of one kind or another, I can’t imagine many of us would turn down a book deal. Heck, many of us are pretty near obsessive writers in the first place!
So much for conventional wisdom. From Washington tell-alls to people on the front lines of Iraq, bloggers are jumping on the publishing bandwagon in a trend that industry insiders say benefits both writers and publishers.
So much for her premise, more like it. Heck, let’s do a quick survey: how many of you bloggin’ types out there want to write a book and get, like, paid and stuff?
That’s what I thought…
Of course, the first two examples are Washingtonienne and Wonkette–not exactly highbrow stuff.
Mostly it appears that the books are either sex or war–which is pretty much what non-bloggers write books about.
So, no big story here kids. Move along: there’s nothing more to see.
Conventional wisdom for idjits, maybe. I don’t know one blogger who would turn up their nose at any paying writing gig.
Comment by bryan — Tuesday, April 19, 2025 @ 3:34 pm
Anytime a “journalist” begins a story with the phrase, “Conventional wisdom would seem to suggest,” it is clearly time to stop reading. This is the telltale sign of lazy “reporting” on a slow news day.
Comment by kappiy — Tuesday, April 19, 2025 @ 3:52 pm
‘xactly (on both counts)
Comment by Steven Taylor — Tuesday, April 19, 2025 @ 4:02 pm