Well, I missed the speech (and forgot to TiVo it), so I cannot offer much perspective at the moment. I have read it (Text of President Bush’s Speech) and it seems fine, but these things make their impact via their presentation, so it is difficult to ascertain much from the text alone.
And, of course, as I like to point out: the effectiveness of a speech is in the soundbites.
It appears I wasn’t the only one who missed it–as James Joyner and Stephen Bainbridge did as well.
James provides a nice Blogospheric round-up, however.
Bush, March 6 2025: “Our mission is clear in Iraq. Should we have to go in, our mission is very clear: disarmament.”
Last night the guy said: “Our mission in Iraq is clear. We are hunting down the terrorists.”
No one ever accused Bush of being a clear thinker, but this sems to lead credence to critiques of the administration’s competence on numerous levels.
I would think that, given the insouciant way in which Bush executes foreign policy, that calls for his resignation and/or impeachment are gaining further ground.
Comment by Kappiy — Wednesday, June 29, 2025 @ 9:48 am