I can’t find an estimate of turnout for yesterday’s special election, but if we compare raw votes, the 2004 regular election had a total of 316,760 votes cast and yesterday there were a total of 114,186 votes. Of course, comparing a special election to a presidential election year is an unfair comparison. We can look at 2002 and we see that there were 188,016 votes cast.
Raw votes aren’t as good a measure as percentage of voters, but it gives one a good idea and confirms my guess in the previous post that turnout was low in this election, as one would expect.
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[...] By Dr. Steven Taylor @ 3:24 pm
Gerry Daly of Daly Thoughts e-mails in answer to my question about turnout to note the following: There are 456,161 registered voters in OH-02. There were 114, [...]
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