Listening to ESPN Radio whilst working this morning I have heard, several times, a commercial for the Comedy Central Celebrity Roast of Pamela Anderson. And all I can think each time I hear it is: isn’t a Roast only funny when we really know that the person in question is worthy of praise and usually gets only praise? And: are jokes that are simply statements of fact (i.e., how bad her acting is, how big her breasts are, and so forth) really funny?
Indeed, on the web page under the picture of Kimmel we get this bon mot:
Jimmy Kimmel points out that at 38, Pam’s finally catching up with her breast size.
Two words: comedy genius!
And, just in case one wasn’t certain that this is all a really bad idea and most-avoid TV, Kimmel ends the commercial with the following tag line: “If you think she got bleep’d by Tommy Lee, what’ll you see this.”
The whole thing is so sad on so many levels I don’t have time to deal with them all.
Maybe it’s just me, but I don’t think Jimmy Kimmel is funny.
Comment by Mark Hasty — Friday, August 12, 2025 @ 11:15 am
It isn’t just you, to be sure.
Comment by Dr. Steven Taylor — Friday, August 12, 2025 @ 11:34 am