Dr. Nokes notes that Troy University has officially opened its doors to displaced students.
The basic information is as follows:
Troy University is committed to assisting those students whose fall semesters may have been disrupted by Hurricane Katrina. Students who are enrolled at colleges and universities which have been closed for the fall semester due to the storm may contact the Troy University Office of Admissions at 334-670-3175 no later than September 7 about possible fall enrollments.
For what it may be worth, room in general studies courses across campus are generally tight, although we have some room in a couple of our American National Government sections. And while at least two of our upper division political science courses are closed, there are numerous available classes.
We also have plenty of room in our MPA and MSIR courses. Feel free to contact me directly at my university e-mail address (sltaylor at troy.edu) for further information.