Let’s go pop culture this week, shall we?
I am using an old “Today’s List” as the basis of this week’s FFM:
The Worst Movies I Have Ever Seen
1. Howard the Duck. This one was so bad it that is the only movie I walked out on after paying for it. It was a George Lucas production, so I figured it would be good. Of course, that was back when I didn’t realize that Lucas wasn’t all he was cracked up to be.
It may be the worst movie I have ever seen.
2. Johnny Dangerously Rented this one when my wife and I were dating. So bad my Dad went to find something else to do and we turned it off soon thereafter. It was crude, odd and not funny.
3. Adventures in Babysitting. I remember we stayed and watched the whole thing. I remember it made little sense. Above all I never understood why the little girl was so enamored of the Marvel Comics version of Thor.
4. Mars Attacks. President Jack Nicholson’s line “Can’t we all just get along” was funny, but that was in the commerical. The rest of the movie flippin’ reeks.
5. Red Dawn. The absolute worst Cold War movie ever made. The take over of the US by the USSR/Cubans was silly–and the idea that a bunch of High School kids could fight back was utterly unbelievable. For some reason the only thing I directly remember is the Cuban General saying “Vaya con Dios” to someone. I don’t remember who–just that it was supposed to be really dramatic.
6. Tarzan. The Bo Derek one–man, that was one BORING movie.
(Dis)honorable mentions:
Worst Trek flick: Star Trek V–surely the worst Trek film ever made, although it beats watching a re-run of And the Children Shall Lead. Four words: “It’s me! It’s Sybok!” (’nuf said).
Worst Star Wars film: that’s a toughie, but I will go with The Phantom Menace–surely the worst of that set, although the other two prequels were pretty bad.
Worst Indiana Jones romp: The Temple of Doom–it just did not live up to the other two by a long shot.
Worst Bond movie: Is it even close? On Her Majesty’s Secret Service. George Lazenby replaces Sean Connery? You have got to be kidding me.
Sorry. Moonraker was worse; Moonraker makes my worst ten movies ever made consistently.
Comment by Steven L. — Friday, October 7, 2025 @ 10:23 am
I almost included Moonraker.
Comment by Dr. Steven Taylor — Friday, October 7, 2025 @ 10:31 am
I have to agree on the Star Trek and the Indiana Jones, haven’t seen the Bond or the Star Wars.
Red Dawn was exceptionally bad, actually watched it at school.
I liked Adventures in Babysitting; it was cute.
I’ll make my list later. Good choice of topic.
Comment by Jan — Friday, October 7, 2025 @ 10:39 am
Red Dawn was a classic 80s movie, Wolverines!
Comment by c.v. — Friday, October 7, 2025 @ 11:24 am
OHMSS the worst Bond film? Its one of the best, the only two better are Goldfinger clearly and From Russia with Love arguably. The worst are- Moonraker, The Man with the Golden Gun or Die Another Day
Comment by Bill — Friday, October 7, 2025 @ 1:15 pm
I’ve shown clips of Red Dawn to students when I talk about movies and politics in the 1980s. Every class includes at least one big fan.
Comment by Paul Brewer — Friday, October 7, 2025 @ 3:47 pm
We watched Howard the Duck as kids and it just dawned on me that I witnessed beastiality…I feel so incredibly violated.
Comment by Sheri — Sunday, October 9, 2025 @ 7:08 pm
I’ll make my list as soon as my @#$%^&* site gets up and running again, but I’ve gotta say the OHMSS is one of my favorites, if not the favorite. My warped self loves the fact that he actually falls in love and gets married, and then . . .
Worst Trek film was the first one. Talk about boooorrrriiiiiiinnnng. But the bald chick was cute.
I liked Red Dawn. Unrealistic? Maybe. Let’s ask the folks in Chechnya.
Comment by Scott Gosnell — Monday, October 10, 2025 @ 6:55 am
Movies You’d Rather Forget
As usual, I’m a day late and a dollar short, or more accurately a week late and paycheck short. But anyway, here’s my addition to last week’s Friday Fun Meme.
Trackback by Irrational Woman — Friday, October 14, 2025 @ 8:43 am