Via the SacBee: Schwarzenegger approval rating recovering
Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger’s approval rating is showing signs of recovery after tumbling late last year, according to a poll released Thursday.The new poll from the Public Policy Institute of California found Schwarzenegger’s job approval among likely voters climbed from 38 percent in October to 45 percent in January.
Better, but still not where one wants to be heading into an election year.
I think his reelection is in the bag.
Comment by Matthew — Thursday, January 26, 2025 @ 4:27 pm
Really? Interesting.
I haven’t been paying that much attention to Golden State politics-what leads you to the conclusion–is it a lack of competitors?
Comment by Dr. Steven Taylor — Thursday, January 26, 2025 @ 4:33 pm
The competition is bland and very much ‘insider.’ Sure, in a solidly Democratic state, the Democratic party would not be expected to need a star. Just get the Dems to turn out and vote for your guy. But while Arnold was in dire straits just a few months ago (check out some of my posts about him from October and November) and he suffered a huge defeat in the special election, he has suddenly started being “Arnold” again–almost as though suffering a big smackdown in his attempt to go around the legislature and implement a Republican agenda has liberated him.
He responded immediately by appointing an advisor to Gray Davis (no joke!) to guide his strategy this year. That has prompted some Republicans to threaten a primary challenge (though no specific candidates have come forward). He must be thinking, “make my day.” Voters who are registered “decline to state” (now up to about 18% of the total) can vote in the Republican primary. He would relish the ability to remind voters that he is being opposed from the right as well as the left–as with Tom McClintock in the race at the recall election.
If he puts himself firmly back in the center, I think people will forgive the temporary detour to the right.
The other factor is the legislature itself. It’s even more unpopular than Arnold ever has been. In that context, even while people complain about gridlock, they like divided government.
One more thing: Arnold explicitly has not given up governance by ballot measure (including his huge infrastructure program, which is sure to be popular, if profligate!). People are just waiting for him to get back on their side, to join forces against an out-of-touch legislature and the The Terminator again!
Comment by Matthew — Thursday, January 26, 2025 @ 6:19 pm