Wednesday, May 10, 2024
By Steven L. Taylor

This morning I noted that one of the factors that is damaging President Bush’s approval numbers with his base is the issue of immigration.

For an example of this fact, look no further than one-time Bush stalwart, LaShawn Barber, who asks Should George Bush Be Impeached?

It would appear that she believes that, yes, he should, because of his immigration proposals.

I shan’t get into the absurdity of the idea, but thought it noteworthy nonetheless. I think it also underscores the hysteria in some quarters on this topic.

Confederate Yankee, another pro-Bush site, finds the idea worthy of consideration. Indeed, there are a number of commenters who like the notion, as well as several supporting trackbacks.

At any rate, this does feed into my general point this morning about presidential approval ratings: how anyone could doubt the veracity of the numbers is beyond me.

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5 Responses to “Impeachment over Immigration?”

  • el
  • pt
    1. Baol Says:

      Sure, impeaching Bush on immigration grounds is prety silly. However, there are numerous questions about his general competence and the legality of many of his actions.

      I would rather see COngress investigate some of these transgressions before impeachment is considered. Normally we would have a Congress that might show some concern about these things and engage in some nvestigations, but, for some reason, Congress isn;t interested.

    2. Diggers Realm Says:

      Bush Should Be Impeached For Lack Of Action On Immigration

      When someone doesn’t do their job — unless they’re a teacher or government employee — they’re fired. Even in some cases if you’re a government employee you get fired for being a total screw up. When you’re as incompetent as…

    3. LaurenceB Says:

      After reading this, the first thing that popped into my head was that John McCain doesn’t stand a snowball’s chance of getting the Republican nomination.

    4. James Joyner Says:

      You know those evil polls undersample Republicans, right?

      Of course, I’m not sure that isn’t to Bush’s benefit at the moment.

    5. Dr. Steven Taylor Says:



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