Writes McQ at QandO:
the three of us are unanimous in our skepticism concerning tonight’s speech about immigration and border security by President Bush. All of us are of the opinion that the most likely outcome of tonight’s speech will be a lot of vague promises and short-term activity which will eventually peter out to nothing. Or said another way, political theater.
That is my impression as well.
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May 15th, 2025 at 10:00 am
Or said another way, political theater.
Boy, that’s going out on a limb! Has Bush done anything that HASN’T been political theatre?
Mission Accomplished, anyone…..?
May 15th, 2025 at 11:07 am
The most curious aspect of this particular “political theater” is that it almost certainly will not be politically advantageous. Hard-line anti-iimigration folks will recognize it as toothless (which it will be), and those on the other side will see it as a gutless ploy to placate the xenophobes. He stands to gain nothing from either camp. So why do it? Strange.