Monday, May 15, 2025
By Steven L. Taylor

Eldest son has a strings concert (he plays the violin) tonight, so no immediate commentary from me on the speech.

The press release I received indicates that the speech will have a threefold attack: a detailing of successes in the area under Bush, a discussion of new policies (including a guest-worker program) and the proposing of new security measures, including the usage of the Guard.

Reaction in the Blogosphere should be easy to find. I, no doubt, will have something to say about tonight or tomorrow morning.

Feel free to leaves comments and reactions here.

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2 Responses to “Bush’s Immigration Speech”

  • el
  • pt
    1. Eric Lindholm Says:

      This is bizarrely weird. MY eldest son plays the violin. Are we separated at birth?

    2. B. Minich, PI Says:

      I’m sure that was much better than listening to politicans speak. :D

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