By Dr. Steven Taylor
The The Florida Masochist e-mails to note that director Robert Wise has passed away at age 91.
He is probably best known for the classic musicals The Sound of Music and West Side Story.
Trek geeks will also know that he directed Star Trek: The Motion Picture.
Here’s the AP story.
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By Dr. Steven Taylor
Hy-larious (via the SciFi Wire): Shatner To Sing Trek
Original Star Trek star William Shatner will sing the theme from his show at the 57th Annual Primetime Emmy Awards, airing Sept. 18 on CBS, TV Guide Online reported. Shatner, now on the cast of ABC’s Boston Legal, will be joined by opera star Frederica von Stade.
The stunt is part of a segment called “Emmy Idol,” in which actors will perform classic TV theme songs throughout the telecast and viewers will pick a winner.
That right there is enough to get me to TiVo the thing.
h/t: reader Adam Jones via e-mail
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By Dr. Steven Taylor
Via Trektoday: Shatner, Stewart Discuss Changes In Lives, Star Trek
Shatner said that if he could talk to the producers of Star Trek, he would say, “‘You gotta get outa there, guys. Bring a new team in and see ya later.’” He thinks the franchise should begin again from scratch “with some wonderful writers who love Star Trek” and laughed, when fans shouted that he should do it, “If I’m elected…!”
He is right about the current team (excepting Coto) needing to “get outta here.”
Based on Trek V, I am unlikley to be nominating him to take over, however. Although I will say that the stuff he has done with the Reeves-Stevens has ranged from the decent to the quite good and they work they did on Enterprise was top notch (although too little, too late).
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By Dr. Steven Taylor
Via Trektoday: Jendresen Talks Trek XI
Erik Jendresen, who is working on the proposed eleventh Star Trek feature film, announced that he has completed a first draft of a screenplay, Star Trek: The Beginning and turned it in to executives at Paramount Pictures.
Jendresen also confirmed longtime Star Trek executive producer Rick Berman’s previous statements that the film would not incorporate any existing Star Trek characters. “This would take place just a couple of years after the end of the events in Enterprise but well before the original series, and it would look at the inciting incident that started everything,” he said. “We’re looking at a very small group of men and women…there are a couple of ships, including a principal ship, but this is not a traditional captain and crew of a starship story in the least.”
The fact the Berman is still in charge means that all optimism should be checked at the door.
And I find it ironic that they are now thinking about doing what I have long argued should have been the basis for Enterprise: the founding of the Federation.
Maybe they should entitle it Star Trek XI: The Search to Reclaim Lost Opportunities
of course, the film that I’d like to see made is:
Star Trek: Don’t Worry, Berman’s Been Sacked.
I shan’t hold my breath.
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Yes, but in light of the Sound of Music and West Side Story, we will forgive him for the disaster on film that was the first Star Trek movie.
It had great music, though.
Comment by Scott Gosnell — Thursday, September 15, 2025 @ 8:40 am
It was, well, glacial.
I figured that in the spirit of not speaking ill of the dead that I would lay off TMP.
Although I blame the script as much as anything.
Comment by Dr. Steven Taylor — Thursday, September 15, 2025 @ 8:46 am
I will say that a tear rolled down my face when we see the new Enterprise for the first time. It was — breathtaking.
I’m such a geek.
Comment by Scott Gosnell — Thursday, September 15, 2025 @ 11:54 am
I feel the director’s cut of Star Trek: The Motion Picture is a good movie. If you have not seen the DVD of the director’s cut (and I must stress the director’s cut), I highly recommend it. No, it is not fast-paced, but not every movie has to be. It explores themes related to what it means to be human, as good science fiction does.
Science fiction is not all about explosions and special effects, contrary to what Hollywood, Lucas, Spielberg, and the others trying to grab your buck will say and show.
Comment by Jack — Thursday, September 15, 2025 @ 1:05 pm
Forget Star Trek: The Motion Picture. Wise earned a place in geek Valhalla for directing The Day the Earth Stood Still.
Comment by Kingdaddy — Thursday, September 15, 2025 @ 1:54 pm
KD: good point.
Jack: I have intended to see the Director’s Cut, but haven’t had the chance.
I actually like parts of TMP, but the film feels like a 45 minutes script stretched into over two hours, and also that the studio paid for all that FX shots of V’Ger and, dangit!, they were going to use them!
And I’m sorry: the bald chick–not that sexy.
Comment by Dr. Steven Taylor — Thursday, September 15, 2025 @ 3:44 pm