Yes, it’s true: our “elected” officials don’t really pay attention to us. Voters don’t count.
Or, maybe they do: Santorum reads nuke polls, applies the brakes
Sen. Rick Santorum (R-Pa.), a leading advocate of the “nuclear option” to end the Democrats’ filibuster of judicial nominees, is privately arguing for a delay in the face of adverse internal party polls.Details of the polling numbers remain under wraps, but Santorum and other Senate sources concede that, while a majority of Americans oppose the filibuster, the figures show that most also accept the Democratic message that Republicans are trying to destroy the tradition of debate in the Senate.
Of course, I basically favor said “option” but find this kind of story interesting, as many people like to argue that elected officials don’t really pay attention to voters.
Au contraire, mon Capitain, they do.*
One guesses that some other polls are on Santorum’s mind as well.
*And, interestingly (or not, depending on your geek status) this is part of a line from what is one of the funniest moments in ST:TNG history from the episode Deja Q when they all think Q is dead and he reappears with a Mariachi band and delclares “Au contraire, mon capitain, he’s back!"). And yes, my mind works in mysterious ways–deal with it. Heh. Q and a Mariachi band…classic.
Santorum’s fears, I believe, are unwarranted. I mean, the threat right now is if the nuclear option is used, Ried and the Dems will completely shut down Senate business. Well, if THAT is done it sort of kills the case that debate is being thwarted and the minority party can just get steamrolled.
Comment by Mark — Thursday, April 21, 2025 @ 11:13 am