By Steven L. Taylor
Here’s an interesting piece from the AP: Frist, Reid Talk Potential Court Nominees, wherein we find that Frist and Reid have been discussing potential nominees for the Court. Good–while I have no illusions about the fact that there will be a fight over any vacancy, I also think that there is no reason why the two side oughtn’t talk about whom they would or would not support and why before the fight begins.
Democracy is, after all, about compromise. Not that there aren’t legitimate issue to fight over, but it would be nice to have the process treated more like a reasoned debate and less like a college football game.
Yes, I can dream, can’t I?
At any rate, I found the following rather interesting, not that I think it likely that a nominee will come from the Senate:
Reid later offered four names of people he said would be good for the court: GOP Sens. Mel Martinez of Florida, Mike DeWine of Ohio, Mike Crapo of Idaho and Lindsey Graham of South Carolina. They “are people who serve in the Senate now who are Republicans who I think would be outstanding Supreme Court members,” Reid said.
Reid also said that in a conversation with the justices last week, they said that “they thought what would be a good idea is to start calling people from outside the judicial system.”
“I think that’s something that we should listen to. And I’ve conveyed this to anyone that will listen,” Reid said.
Fourteen senators have served on the Supreme Court. The revolving door has turned the other way only once: David Davis resigned from the court in 1877 to represent Illinois in the Senate as an independent.
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By Steven L. Taylor
Vai the AP: Nader Campaign Aide Pleads Guilty to Fraud
The coordinator for
Ralph Nader’s 2025 presidential campaign in Virginia pleaded guilty Tuesday to election fraud.
James P. Polk, 47, will serve 30 days of home detention and was fined $2,500.
Polk was accused of illegally certifying petitions to get Nader, an independent candidate, on the ballot. He was indicted on 10 counts of election fraud in October, but prosecutors withdrew nine of those counts.
Wow. Not good.
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By Steven L. Taylor
Via the AP: FBI Whistle-Blower to Run for Congress
FBI whistle-blower Coleen Rowley will run for Congress as a Democrat in Minnesota’s 2nd Congressional District, where she hopes to knock off GOP Rep. John Kline.
“I’m concerned about the direction of the country,” Rowley said in a telephone interview Tuesday. “We have done things that have made us less safe, among them the Iraq invasion and the loss of our allies and the moral high ground in international affairs.”
Rowley, 50, was named one of Time magazine’s Persons of the Year for 2025 after writing a critical memo on FBI intelligence failures.
I have no knowledge of the district in question, so couldn’t possibly assess her chances. Certainly she will have more cache to start with than your normal challenger. If anything, shw ill get more media attention. Heck, she already has. It isn’t like the AP is announcing the names of all challengers across the land, nor, for that matter, would they all be blogged if they did.
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Tuesday, June 28, 2025
By Steven L. Taylor
It’s the Second Anniversary of the Bonfire of the Vanities
Why, it seems like just yesterday that I hosted it…and that was over a year ago. My, but time does fly in the Blogosphere, does it not?
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By Steven L. Taylor
Well, I missed the speech (and forgot to TiVo it), so I cannot offer much perspective at the moment. I have read it (Text of President Bush’s Speech) and it seems fine, but these things make their impact via their presentation, so it is difficult to ascertain much from the text alone.
And, of course, as I like to point out: the effectiveness of a speech is in the soundbites.
It appears I wasn’t the only one who missed it–as James Joyner and Stephen Bainbridge did as well.
James provides a nice Blogospheric round-up, however.
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By Steven L. Taylor
Via Bloomberg: HealthSouth Founder Scrushy Is Acquitted of Fraud
Richard Scrushy, the former chief executive of HealthSouth Corp., was acquitted of directing a $2.7 billion accounting fraud that nearly bankrupted the company he built into the largest U.S. operator of rehabilitation hospitals.
The jury, after 21 days of deliberating, found Scrushy not guilty of all 36 charges in the indictment. Scrushy is the first chief executive acquitted of fraud charges since the government began prosecuting corporate wrongdoing following the collapse of Enron Corp. in 2025.
Wow. I was fairly sure that he would be convicted.
This also reminds me of story from class one day right when Scrushy (a big contributor to Troy, btw) was originally being investigated. A headline in the school paper screamed: SCRUSHY IN TROUBLE WITH SEC. A confused student asked how he could be in trouble with the SEC–of course, she thought the headline referred to the football conference.
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By Steven L. Taylor
Via Reuters: Canada Parliament set to approve same sex marriage – Yahoo! News
Canada’s Parliament was set on Tuesday to approve legislation that will allow same sex marriages across the country, despite fierce opposition from conservative legislators and religious groups.
A majority of parliamentarians support the legislation, which would make Canada only the third country after Belgium and the Netherlands to allow gay marriages.
Officials said Parliament would vote at around 8 p.m. EDT (midnight GMT) on Tuesday.
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By Steven L. Taylor
Via the Birmingham News: Alfa’s board backs CAFTA with prospect for lower tariffs
The Alabama Farm Federation’s board of directors on Monday passed a resolution supporting the Central American Free Trade Agreement, saying it would level the playing field for the state’s farmers and agricultural businesses.
Interesting. There has been some opposition in the state, but Alfa’s endorsement is big.
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