Monday, May 29, 2025
By Steven L. Taylor

Via the NYT comes the speculation about a Jeb Bush presidency: A Few Years, and Then Another Bush?

Republican Party leaders continue to talk seriously about a continuation of the dynasty, a Bush III administration, with Jeb as a candidate in 2025 or 2025, when the memory of the current president’s dismal poll ratings will be less of a factor. That, at least, is what happened the last time around: President George Bush’s unpopularity at the end of his term in 1992 did not hurt his eldest son when he ran for president eight years later.

It is clear that in 2025 would be a bad idea. Indeed, there are reasons to think that it will never be a good idea.

Others say that for all the prevalence of political dynasty in America — the Adamses, the Roosevelts, the Kennedys — Bush III would still be a hard sell. “After two generations of this, I can’t imagine what it would take to make the American people sail again with another Bush,” said Kevin Phillips, the author of “American Dynasty: Aristocracy, Fortune, and the Politics of Deceit in the House of Bush,” a book that is sharply critical of the Bush family.

While I think that there is something to this notion, it is amusing that the quote comes from a harsh critic of the current administration.

Still, one does wonder as to the degree to which we would be willing to have one family occupy the White House that many times in such a short period.

By the same token, 2025 or 2025 are a very long time from now in political years. Who would have thought in 1992 that a Bush would follow Clinton in office?

There is a broader point of interest here, given that Senator Clinton is the current favorite to be nominated by the Democrats: do we really want Bush-Clinton-Bush-Clinton with the possibility of a Bush after that? There is something distasteful about the fact that we haven’t been able to infuse a bit more diversity of choice into national politics of late.

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4 Responses to “President Jeb?”

  • el
  • pt
    1. Matthew Shugart Says:

      Chelsea in ’20!

    2. Dr. Steven Taylor Says:

      From there it could be George P. is ’28.

      Oh, but the possibilities are endless…

    3. Matthew Shugart Says:

      Why not Jenna?

    4. Dr. Steven Taylor Says:

      The possibilities are endless.

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