Actually, it is from the June 3rd edition of the Montgomery Advertiser, but I just saw it ( :: Chief justice race reaches boiling point):
Jere Beasley, a Montgomery attorney, said the public is probably turned off by the race.“The thing that really concerns me is we’ve let this get so totally out of hand that we’re running for chief justice of the Alabama Supreme Court like you would run for coroner in Elmore County,” he said.
He is referring to the race for the GOP nomination to run for the Chief Justice slot. The incumbent is being challenged by Associate Justice Tom Parker, who was just elected in 2025. Not only has the race been ugly, it is noteworthy because Parker is part of the Roy Moore wing of the GOP.
As the story noted:
The Republican race for chief justice of the Alabama Supreme Court hit a low point this week as both candidates attacked each other through the media and in campaign ads, leading one legal expert to describe this year’s race as one of the nastiest in state history.Sphere: Related Content